Πέμπτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2009

we du care

In life, there is a time when you look back and be astonished how you as a human are capable of figuring out how to survive without knowing that’s what you do. One way is to avoid facing detrimental factors in your life and put them away so that you can survive. We do this all at a very unconscious level. Duck season? Wabbit season?
You are here

The wings began to disintegrate as he passed the lone palm into the forbidden zone. Feathers flew in fluttering spirals; leather began to rot, brass buckles corroded in time-lapse on the harness. Out of control, John lost altitude, strewing debris behind. By the time he crashed through the treetops, the wings, and indeed his clothing and eye-patch, had returned to the dust. Naked as the day of his arrival, he tumbled through the darkness, cracking branches and scraping skin to land on his back amongst the bushes, the breath forcibly expelled from his lungs. He lay deafened in the pitch-blackness, his bitten tongue welled blood in his mouth, pins and needles invaded his left leg.
Long seconds of slow time before moving the leg experimentally, he felt the foliage attempting to pull him in. He scrabbled backward, no bones broken; clear of the Vampiric bush, spitting blood. His breath and hearing returned in deep gasps above the roar of the surf.
He waited for his heartbeat to slow.
He’d lost all sense of direction in the absolute darkness and was loosing all sense of purpose when, to his left, he heard the sound of something large making its way toward him; he backed himself up against a cold tree trunk, fists raised in readiness.
“John Gabriel,”
On carrion breath came the Stripper’s voice,
“A person familiar in surroundings strange.
The alarm on thine face is unsupported by circumstances.
You need not fear our darkness,
it carries no danger for those as strong or as stupid as thee.”
The Stripper paused and sucked a rancid sigh,
“Besides, we have pickings enough in the fecund carcass of Osiris to nourish us another eon.
That feeble minded creature,
Should have known better
fleeing the change that took his brother,
he wandered into places he’d previously warned others to vacate.
One man’s poison is another’s meat.”
John took a ragged breath and managed the words carefully on his swollen tongue.
“Wish way tha chain?”
The Stripper sighed once more; John could hear it hiking the dead load of wet meat onto its shoulder.
“Ah the chain.
We envy thine options John Gabriel.
We have stood on the peninsula and watched as those such as thee have taken that option,
watched with pain in our core,
in a just universe it would be an option available to all.”
The Stripper shifted its weight; John imagined he heard it lick once at the corpse on its shoulder. He shrugged the image off.
“Turn a half-circle,
then walk forward
this should take you to the spinal path,
turn right and your destination will await.
Farewell John Gabriel,
the light will soon be upon us.”
John heard the Stripper turn on the rustling floor of leaves and lumber off into the darkness.
The absolute darkness brought guilt and foreboding. He saw again Adam’s body crushed; feathers flying on the moon’s grey face. John’s chest tightened with the knowledge that it was his actions; his discontent that had led to the boy’s death.
He decided to wait for the dawn. He shuffled down to sit with his back to the tree trunk. He dozed for long minutes hours or days without dreams – aeroplane sleep – waking dry mouthed to find that he could make out the vague outlines of the trees as the sky slowly lightened behind the crash of the waves.

John rose on stiff joints and aching muscles. His mouth tasted coppery with blood from his bitten tongue and he spat dryly in an attempt to clear it. He picked his way through the undergrowth until he came upon the path. Turning right, as instructed by the Stripper, John followed the undulating path as the heat of the morning sun filled the forest with the high-pitched roar of insects. After a long hot walk the path began to climb steeply, cutting into the red powdery rock in a series of large steps that led ten metres up to the small flat top of the mesa. John stood and gazed down at the rocky peninsula where the rusty black chain creaked and groaned out into the blue green ocean.
He looked back at the island, the mountain, the moon, smoke from Eden’s kitchen. It almost seemed real.
His heel bumped into the old man, he almost fell backwards.
The old man was the same red as the mesa, he lay on his back cruciform, in places John could not tell where the old man ended and the mesa began, he was not sure if the man was being colonised by the mesa or vice versa, but it seemed that the process was almost complete. He crouched beside the dry sandy body - his mind on hold - the face was vaguely familiar. He noticing that the chest rose and fell almost imperceptibly, as if attuned to the rhythm of the waves, he could see tiny puffs of sand stirring at the nostrils, he felt the hair on the back of his neck prickle with disquiet.
“The rocks are aware of your presence interloper.” came a voice that rustled like hundreds of dead insect wings in the breeze before a storm. John jerked back as bulbous eyelids retracted to reveal eyes, the whites yellow with age, staring up at him. “The rocks do not care the reasons for your presence. The rocks do not care.”
They stared at one another, three eyes and an empty socket. John recognized the familiarity in the old face as a family resemblance; only this one was older than the Blueman, way older, the lines in the face deeply etched and fractalled beyond the limits of John’s eyesight.
“I thpoke to your thun up there,” John pointed back up at the mountain, doing his best to annunciate the words clearly, tongue catching on his teeth painfully, “He thed you wunth had all tha arnthers.”
The red body of the old spirit seemed to grow even stiller. For a while John thought that the old man would not answer.
“My son,” came the eventual rustle, “was damaged at birth, he fell from the crucible… he is a fool.” A ripple travelled through the old man’s body, “The rocks do not care for the answers, answers do not bring relief to the rocks, the rocks have no questions.”
“Tha chain,” said John pointing out to sea, “Where duth it go?”
The old man in the sand sighed shallowly
“Questions. Always questions. The rock does not care where the chain goes. The chain links the links of a larger chain, et cetera et cetera.” He coughed a little cloud of red dust from his lungs, “Now leave, go, walk the chain, don’t walk the chain, it’s all the same to the rocks.” He closed his eyes and seemed to settle deeper into the sand. John rose from the supine red figure; his naked body had begun to sweat profusely in the heat of the sun, the breeze coming off the sea turned the sweat cool on his back. He turned and walked unsteadily to the edge of the mesa, looking for a way down. Choosing what seemed like a likely groove in the erosion, he descended from the edge in a barely controlled slide; loosing his balance completely for the last two metres and landing face down on the grassy dune with the surf roaring in his ears. From somewhere deep within his stunned and battered mind Martha’s face rose in absolute clarity and his heart filled with the beauty and familiarity of the vision. He tried to drink in the detail of her face but the closer he looked the hazier it became until he was left with only a vague sense of déjà vu. John Gabriel rose spitting beach sand, and stared out at the chain, an involuntarily shiver ran across his shoulders and the back of his neck. Someone just walked across my grave he thought.
He approached the giant black ring embedded in the rock. He stared out at the chain that stretched out into the infinity of the hazy sea and wondered whether he was doing the right thing. A seagull circled, watching, and John grasped on to the remnants of the memory of Martha’s face as he climbed onto the creaking chain, finding hand and footholds unsteadily on the pitted links.
Ten metres out from the shore and John had gained confidence; the chain did not sag beneath his weight but continued its rhythmic creak as he passed beyond the line of breakers that had drenched him cold at the outset. The seagull too, after a few half-hearted dives and warnings, had left him to his folly as if to imply that this one was beyond help.
With the breakers now some way behind, John’s exertions were draped in relative silence, the occasional lap of the swelling sea serving to punctuate his rasping breath and the creak of the chain. Muscles aching with his unfamiliar ape-like horizontal climb.
He rested briefly, looking back to find that the island was now lost in the haze, the view back the same as the view forward. Loneliness had never been so absolute. Briefly he contemplated going back.
“The rocks don’t care,” whispered the sandman on the red mesa.
John Gabriel cocked his head to one side, imagining he heard the sound of the wind wailing mournfully on the haze up ahead,
“Fuck it,” he inhaled deeply and continued to walk the chain. mac tonnies writes :Consciousness is a potential technology; we are exquisite machines, nothing less than sentient patterns. As such, there's no convincing technical reason we can't eventually upload ourselves into matrices of our design and choosing. It's likely the phenomenon we casually call "intelligence" will cease to be strictly biological as we begin to merge with our machines more meaningfully and intimately. (Philip K. Dick once wrote that "living and nonliving things are exchanging properties." I suspect that in a few hundred years, barring disaster, separating the animate from the inanimate will probably be an exercise in futility.) Ultimately, we have options: self-mutate in minds and bodies of our own design

Τετάρτη 28 Οκτωβρίου 2009


Henki tarkoittaa ihmisen tai eläimen elämää, vanhoissa uskomuksissa myös yliluonnollista elämänvoimaa. Pyhä henki on käsite, jolla viitataan yleisesti jumalvoimaan ja sen ilmenemismuotoihin useissa eri uskonnoissaFilosofiassa hengen käsitteellä viitataan oletettuun aineettomaan substanssiin aineen vastakohtana.[1]Henkinen tarkoittaa yksilön omien tekojen arviointia ikään kuin ulkoapäin ja kykyä eettisiin kannanottoihin.[2] Hengellinen viittaa lähinnä uskonnolliseen aineettomaan ja siihen suuntautuvaan toimintaan ja ajatteluun. Itse on ilmeisesti ollut muinaissuomalaisen käsityksen mukaan ihmisen sielun osa, sieluun kuuluva muista osista erillinen henkiolento,

Itse on kuin sielun varjo tai varjosielu, se on erillinen minuudesta, mutta rinnakkainen tälle, ikään kuin tämän kuvajainen. Itse voi olla jopa ihmisen ruumiille rinnakkainen kaksoisolento. Itse voi kulkea ihmisen edellä hänen hahmossaan.
Weor used the terms "Being" (equivalent in meaning to Atman in Hinduism[6]) and "ego." drawing the distinction that the two states possible are that of Being, which is "transparent, crystal-clear, impersonal, real, and true," and that of the "I," which is "a collective of psychic Aggregates that personify Defects, whose only reason to exist is ignorance."[7]The Fruit of the Spirit is a concept from the Christian New Testament of The Bible, specifically the Epistle to the Galatians chapter 5. 'Fruit' is used to mean 'end product' or 'harvest'
Fruit of the Holy Spirit
“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” -Vincent van Gogh ..Claudio Naranjo is a renowned Chilean psychiatrist and considered a pioneer in his work as an integrator between psychotherapy and the spiritual traditions.

Since the late eighties, Naranjo has divided each year's agenda between his activities abroad and his writing at home in Berkeley. Among his many publications, he has revised an early book on Gestalt therapy and published two new ones. He has published three books on the Enneagram, as well as The End of Patriarchy, which is his interpretation of social problems as the expression of a de-valuation of the nurturance and human instinct and their solution in the harmonious development of our "three brained" potential. He has also published a book on meditation; The Way of Silence and the Talking Cure; and Songs of Enlightenment, on the interpretation of the great books of the West as expressions of "the inner journey" and variations on the "tale of the hero

Τρίτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2009

Architecture student

p. 154 Avoiding the Void: The Lack of Self in Psychotherapy and Buddhism
The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, Vol. 24, No. 2 (1992)

"Me katsoi ylös ja näki kiiltävä esine taivaalle ja en tiedä mitä se oli, mutta se oli tullut hulluksi", sanoi Hampton. "Voisit kertoa se oli jotakin, mutta et todellakaan voinut sanoa, mitä se oli . Se oli saada isompi ja muuttuvat eri värejä. Näin saat pienempiä ja suurempia ja mene kaikkialla. " there has never been any real lack, because there has never been any self- existing self apart from the world. The problem of desire is solved when the "bad infinity" of unsatisfiable lack transforms into a "good infinity" which needs nothing and therefore can freely become anything.


Κυριακή 25 Οκτωβρίου 2009

Τετάρτη 21 Οκτωβρίου 2009

miten tietos pitää käyttää We are Gods Gadgets, suppose, and worst

tietoa käytetään hallitsemiseen, mutta tunteet onneksi. Mac Tonnies had the ability to hold the most jaw-droppingly wild theories and calm, understated reason in good balance. We should all aspire to his level of rational imagination.
three days in Pakistan The mystery of wave/particle duality persists because of the stubborn adherence to the point-particle model of elementary particles. This has excluded a whole class of theories based on a three-dimensional extended wave model. It is this class of theories which holds the promise of giving both an intuitively obvious resolution to the mystery of wave/particle duality and the key to the unification of the fundamental forces. It has been incredibly difficult, however, to construct a wave model that is consistent with the observed behavior of the objects we call elementary particles. We present here a new wave model which holds the promise of being just such a consistent model. This model gives an intuitively obvious explanation of wave/particle duality. Furthermore, this model opens up a new path in the search for a unified theory of elementary particles and the fundamental forces.

Δευτέρα 19 Οκτωβρίου 2009

physical law 2 never mind

money ll not du the evolution but health. so, is better be lazy and healthy than rich

Although there is no evidence that the CIA directly supported the Taliban or Al-Qaeda, some basis for military support of the Taliban was provided when, in the early 1980s, the CIA and the ISI (Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency) provided arms
Pakistan has lost thousands of lives since joining the US' war on terror in the form of both soldiers and civilians. ::The Taliban formed during the war against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan 1979 to 1989.-- political movement that governed Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, when its leaders were removed from power by NATO forces

The creation of Taliban was strongly influenced by Pakistan's ISI agency.-----wheres the questionmark in this machine After the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States of America, Pakistan became a key ally in the war on terror with the United States.
Afghanistan and Pakistan share a long history and share many cultural, linguistic and ethnic commonalities.
Historically, Iran was the first nation to recognize Pakistan. Since then, Pakistan has had close geopolitical and cultural-religious linkages with Iran. much of Iran's nuclear research have originated from Pakistan. who is the one wantin g
Relations between Pakistanis and Palestinians are considered to be very close ...sooo.

but. theres one enemy. Two Nation Theory led the Muslim League to adopt the Lahore Resolution[7] of 1940, demanding the formation of an independent Pakistan.Since independence, relations between Pakistan and India have been characterized by rivalry and suspicioneverywhere
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has helped Pakistan in many fields

It is still not exactly clear when Pakistan opened diplomatic ties to North Korea. It is said to be somewhere in the 1970s..utz brotherly countries have some culture in common especially because of deep Turkic and Persian influences in the two countries all these brothers
The Durand Line is the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, which stretches approximately 2,640 kilometers which americans say is no clearly marked

Παρασκευή 16 Οκτωβρίου 2009

oot saanu mut kiikkiin, tuo [hyvä jumala. sanoit ettei tartte , ja kuitenkin
children's book reviewed by the New York Times

Δευτέρα 12 Οκτωβρίου 2009

Ne olivat pieniä, mutta niissä asui suuri tulevaisuus!

saan (henkilökohtaisen) ajatuksen kerrallaan, k'sittelen sen jotta se tuntuisi hyvältä ja etenen poeettinen kuva, ja poeettista kuvittelua ..tärkeää tulevaisuudelle. hyvällä kuvalle jonka mieleesi luot Onnea common pool resources nobelille kuvittelu on ja pidettäisiin yhtenä ihmisluonnon tärkeimmistä voimistaIn economics Miksi mielikuvitus - torjuttunakin, omaa sellaisen voiman? Mikä on mielikuvituksen voima? Missä on sen juuret? Mihin asti se ulottuu? a good is considered either rivalrous (rival) or nonrival. Rival goods are goods whose consumption by one consumer prevents simultaneous consumption by other consumers. Most goods Now, both durable and nondurable seems to be .

Κυριακή 11 Οκτωβρίου 2009

agnostisismi on aina väliaikaista

miksei ihmiset osaa luonnostaan olla yhdessa, miks pitää tehdä kaikenlaista keinotekoista. vahvistaa tietynlaista..miksi subjektin käsitteen purku, mikä saa sinut miettimään subjektia

Σάββατο 10 Οκτωβρίου 2009

jumalanäiti lähetti minut kysymään miksikysyt yötä päivää ¨Valaise pimeyteni¨..tästäedes olen kanssasi jatkuvasti
It is one of the most remarkable things that in all of the biological sciences there is no clue as to the necessity of death.
El mundo islámico ha perdido a un gran defensor de la causa islámica, quien ha dado a la religión islámica toda su vida el Sheik Said Zayani, Se trasladó a la misericordia de Dios después de un trágico accidente ayer en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.

El Sheik Said Zayani erudito islámico de Qatar, de origen marroquí y residente en Sharjah sufrió la noche del jueves pasado un accidente en las afueras de Abu Dhabi, después de haber regresado de Arabia Saudita.
Anaximander (c. 611-545 B.C.) as his contemporary. He gave up the idea that the water was the origin of everything, any more than any other substance known to man. Everything originated "from the nature of the infinite," and to it returned. Hence it followed that this world was not eternal, but merely one of a procession of worlds. He described the figure of Earth as either flat or convex on the surface, but much more like a cylinder or stone column than the thin disc of Thales. Eventually he called it cylindrical, with a height equal to one-third of its breadth. This cylinder, being in the centre of the universe, was stable, in equilibrium, since it had the same relation to every part of- the universe. Above it were a series of heavens, the first of air, the second of all the stars, the third of the Moon, above that the heaven of the Sun

El Sheik ZAYANI uno de los principales defensores del mundo islámico y que tiene posiciones de honor en el servicio del Islam y de su defensa y ha vivido toda su vida, comunicando el mensaje del Islam y su universalidad a los pueblos de la tierra después de haber viajado a países de todo el mundo llamando a Dios y su mensaje.

Sus conferencias se caracterizaban por estilo suave y de juego y para promover el establecimiento de culto y rituales, tomando la sabiduría suave, y el abogado bueno, con un enfoque global durante 25 años, predicando en todo el mundo y en todas las emisoras de radio y televisión.

El Sheik Zayani nació en Rabat, capital de Marruecos, trabajó en el campo del periodismo y los medios de comunicación y fue nombrado predicador y orador, se afincó en el Estado de Qatar, desde principios de 1993, donde fue el centro de su actividad de Da`wa, entonces el gobierno de Qatar le concedió la nacionalidad.

El Jeque Said visitó España varias veces y participó en muchos eventos donde ha tenido la mejor acogida y aceptación, por su actitud modesta y cercana motivo . look like thes Norveigians re really Immortal kuolemako Novelty..

Πέμπτη 8 Οκτωβρίου 2009

did you know that its impssible to tell the difference between the past and implanted memories

this is from the blog of Jim Elvidge 1. OUR DISCRETE WORLD - It takes an infinite amount of resources to create a continuous reality, but a finite amount to create a quantized reality. The very nature of the computational mechanisms of a computer are essentially the same as Quantum Mechanics - a sequence of states, with nothing existing or happening between the states. The resolution of any program is analogous to the spatial resolution of our reality, just at a different level. In fact, if you carry Moore's Law forward (which has been consistent over the past 40 years), computers will reach the Planck resolution in 2192. Not too far off. However, you don't need to model reality all the way to that level for the model to be indistinguishable from our reality. Let's say you want to examine the guts of a tree. You cut it open, scrape off a few cells and put them under a microscope, maybe an electron microscope. To simulate this computationally, one doesn't have to model every single tree down to the Planck level. Only the OBSERVED tree needs to be modeled, and then only the cells selected, and then only down to a resolution that matches the observational limitations of our measurement devices. The program can do that dynamically. And all quantum effects can be programmatically modeled without building a reality model to the Planck level. So, given Moore's law and the limitations of "observational reality", we should be able to create Virtual Realities that are indistinguishable from our current reality within 20 years or so. The very fact that our reality is quantized may be considered strong evidence that reality is programmed.

2. THE SIMULATION TIMELINE - Various modern philosophers and scientists have posited that we are likely to be living a simulation. This is because it is highly probable that we will be able to create ancestor simulations within a few years, when we achieve a trans-human stage. Due either to the number of simulations that will be run, or to the proximity that we are to that stage, it is actually more probable that we are in one than the case where we haven't yet reached that stage. Again, there is no way to tell that we aren't in a programmed reality.

3. THE FINE-TUNED UNIVERSE - The universe is unbelievably finely tuned for the physical existence of matter, let alone life. For example, universal constants cancel out all of the vacuum energy in the universe to an amazing accuracy of one part in 10 to the 115th power. Also, a deviation in the expansion rate of the early universe of 1 part in a billion in either direction would have caused the universe to immediately collapse, or fly apart so fast that stars could never have formed. And there are many many more such examples. The only explanation that mainstream science can come up with is that zillions (yes, I know it's not a real number) of universes are spawned every second, most of which are entirely useless and throw-away, and via the hand-waving of the anthropic principle, we happen to be in the only perfect one. I'm sorry, but Occam's Razor heavily favors the simulation theory here.

4. THOSE PESKY ANOMALIES - The huge set of well-studied anomalies facing us in fields as varied as metaphysics, physics, philosophy, geology, anthropology, and psychology can all be explained ONLY by the programmed reality model. The mathematics of coincidence, the perceived acceleration of society, OOPart, the truth about the paranormal, quantum entanglement, black gold - they all fit neatly into this hypothesis. No other theory can make that claim.


jumala uhkailee ihmisiä eikä hän ole kovin nopee



Hubble's greatest hits: Hubble space telescope images

MyCn18: an hourglass nebula. The sands of time are running out for the central star of this hourglass-shaped planetary nebula. With its nuclear fuel exhausted, this closing phase of a Sun-like star's life occurs as its outer layers are ejected - its core

MyCn18: an hourglass nebula. The sands of time are running out for the central star of this hourglass-shaped planetary nebula. With its nuclear fuel exhausted, this closing phase of a Sun-like star's life occurs as its outer layers are ejected - its core becoming a cooling, fading white dwarf

Τετάρτη 7 Οκτωβρίου 2009

i found it! the men from space or any other Thing found a human too curious (he took the apple) ihmettelein mihin kilpailua tarvitaan

Kyseisessä kohdassa Sna katsoo hornankuiluun, jossa kuohuvat raaka-aineet jotka jäivät yli, kun Jla loi maailmaa:If you are a winner you're finished, you withdraw, you lose

How Much Land Does a Man Need?

The second highest-ranking U.N. official in Afghanistan was dismissed last Wednesday after he expressed disagreement to his superior about how best to address allegations of fraud in the country’s August presidential elections.

Galbraith, an ex-U.S. diplomat, said that his former boss, Kai A. Eide, a past Norwegian diplomat and U.N. special representative, is not correctly addressing the issue of fraud.

“The approach [Eide] took at each critical stage in the process was to oppose doing anything about the fraud,” Galbraith said. “He is denying that fraud took place or is downplaying it.”

“Eide has a case of clientitis. It’s a diplomat’s disease; you end up representing the head of state of a country to your organization.

Galbraith was also critical of his dismissal, saying that he was fired “because he was concerned about fraud.”

“It’s pretty chilling that what I was recalled for was private dissent within an institution

When asked about Galbraith’s dismissal, a U.N. spokesman, Farhan A. Haq, stated that the “bottom line for [the U.N.] is not to be distracted by this issue,” he said.

“Clearly fraud took place, and we’re making sure all the relevant data gets to Afghanistan’s Electoral Complaint’s Commission,”

Oelstrom said that both extremes present

“If [the U.N.] throws out the whole election, Afghanistan’s going to go without an effective government for some period of time,” he said.

But according to Oelstrom, the other option, to endorse the election, could be just as hazardous.

“There’s a real risk that the [Afghan] people and much of the rest of the world will have a tough time

Oelstrom seemed unconcerned

“My suspicion is that it will slowly go away and the U.N. will find someone else to take this place, pick up the piece, and carry forward with the mission of sorting out the election.”

t´änään vannoi uusi hallitus valansa Kreikassa hauskaa (funny but serious) new government of j greece. im cryin for happiness political animal ai m the book A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street,[6] which goes through a number of tests of trends in the stock market and they are predictable

Σάββατο 3 Οκτωβρίου 2009

Everybody should feel better

us us uUS condemns the bombing today in Kabul that reportedly killed Italian soldiers and Afghan civilians. We send our condolences to the people -of Kabul, and to the Afghan and Italian who lost Loved ones in this Senseless act of violence.[..?