Δευτέρα 24 Μαΐου 2021

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SDP varapj ylioppilas Matias Mäkystä vietiin illan A-studiossa kuin litran mittaa. Toisteli ulkoa opittuja lauseita. Missä talousosaaminen? Onko sitä vihervassareilla edes?
https://en.abna24.com/news/sayyed-nasrallah-to-speak-tuesday-on-resistance-and-liberation-day_1143701.html mitähän meidän länsi onnetonI have no doubt in my mind that the authorities in the UK are behind the attempted assassination of African Diaspora leader Sasha Johnson. The USA liquidated most of the Ferguson BLM leaders already. Media instituted a blackout on these stories to prevent the birth of martyrs.I have no doubt in my mind that the authorities in the UK are behind the attempted assassination of African Diaspora leader Sasha Johnson. The USA liquidated most of the Ferguson BLM leaders already. Media instituted a blackout on these stories to prevent the birth of martyrs.I have no doubt in my mind that the authorities in the UK are behind the attempted assassination of African Diaspora leader Sasha Johnson. The USA liquidated most of the Ferguson BLM leaders already. Media instituted a blackout on these stories to prevent the birth of martyrs.I have no doubt in my mind that the authorities in the UK are behind the attempted assassination of African Diaspora leader Sasha Johnson. The USA liquidated most of the Ferguson BLM leaders already. Media instituted a blackout on these stories to prevent the birth of martyrs.To my knowledge only 9 martyrs were pulled out from tunnels after the IOF falsely claimed destroying hundreds of kilometers of Al-Qassam tunnels.

3 σχόλια:

  1. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah is scheduled to deliver a televised speech on Tuesday, May 25, at 20:30 (Beirut Time) to mark the 21st anniversary of Resistance and Liberation Day.

    The speech is expected to highlight the occasion again, track its ongoing repercussions in light of the recent victory achieved by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, and tackle a number of Lebanese as well as regional issues.

    On May 25, 2000, the Israeli occupation army was forced, after long years of a heroic military resistance mastered by Hezbollah, to withdraw, without preconditions, from most of Lebanese territories, except Shebaa Farms and KfarShuba Heights.

  2. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah is scheduled to deliver a televised speech on Tuesday, May 25, at 20:30 (Beirut Time) to mark the 21st anniversary of Resistance and Liberation Day.

    The speech is expected to highlight the occasion again, track its ongoing repercussions in light of the recent victory achieved by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, and tackle a number of Lebanese as well as regional issues.

    On May 25, 2000, the Israeli occupation army was forced, after long years of a heroic military resistance mastered by Hezbollah, to withdraw, without preconditions, from most of Lebanese territories, except Shebaa Farms and KfarShuba Heights.

  3. I have no doubt in my mind that the authorities in the UK are behind the attempted assassination of African Diaspora leader Sasha Johnson. The USA liquidated most of the Ferguson BLM leaders already. Media instituted a blackout on these stories to prevent the birth of martyrs.
