Τρίτη 31 Αυγούστου 2010

Δευτέρα 30 Αυγούστου 2010


urban man could be ok, he will be social

how tonight

Wanda grunted and gave the mound under the covers next to her an experimental shove.

Κυριακή 29 Αυγούστου 2010

An Appreciation of Paul Valery

al qaaeda stays on a mountain where no nato allies re allowed by us,
whats going
what is it
what is it
There was a time in Jonathan Lerner’s life, in 1970s, when he fervently believed that he and fellow student guerrillas in the Weather Underground would topple the U.S. government, write a new constitution and bring about a Communist revolution. Lerner, one of the founding members of the militant group, tried unsuccessfully to build a y. He admits that, at his most crazed extreme, he would have easily lobbed one onto an A base if s had given him ability.

The rage of suburban, middle-class kids like Lerner against America sprang from their discovery that it was not the flawless egalitarian, democratic society it made itself out to be. the draft turned a magnifying glas n American youth became the enraged conscience of a nation. The Weathermen, an extremist faction that took over the more benign Students for a Democratic Society, which had chapters spread across American colleges, crusaded for social justice via a Communist coup.

My first convention in such company As I have longed for

nobody bows nobodies.
you expect somebody to be ab, 70,058 possibility to

but its treu
i dont have blackberry seeds cus

Σάββατο 28 Αυγούστου 2010

This Flower Lives 40 000 Days

Aaron had borrowed my father's truck - it is a 4x4 with four doors, good for the Golden Road and plenty of room for 4 guys and all our crap. Kris told me on the ride home he had cracked up as Aaron told us the story of borrowing the truck: "...so Dad said, don't take my truck we might need to take us and the dog to town - take Debbie's truck. Her truck has a bumper sticker that says Lookin' For A Cowboy! I'm not driving that thing! So, if you need to take the dog to town - DON'T!) We loaded up and drove back through the cloud - the lower reaches of the mountain we looking frosted with rime. Oh my.

Πέμπτη 26 Αυγούστου 2010

The Marc Thing Was So Sweet Dont know ff can be anything , better

♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓✦♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓✦♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓✦♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓✦♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓✦♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓✦♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓✦♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓✦ #

Τετάρτη 25 Αυγούστου 2010

( omg ) pääomaparlamentaristinen rahanpesu antoi ihmiselle perustulon/kansalaispalkan, mikä merkitsee xn muuttumista onnettomuudesta oikeudeksi - ellei jopa velvollisuudeksi

Σάββατο 21 Αυγούστου 2010

retsina loppui, nyt kiniiniä
2002 carried out an amazing experiment, which showed that particles of light “photons” knew — in advance −- what their distant twins would do in the future. They tested the…

Παρασκευή 20 Αυγούστου 2010

I finally understand. I know it took a long time, sorry.

By the way, the chemical action of neuro-transmitters in the brain does cause harvesting of endorphins and norepinephrine in response to lust, not love. Love is less a feeling and more a series of actions; commitment, honesty, caring, doing things that make another person happy, sacrificing for someone. However, in its most romanticized sense, love can have effects on endorphin receptor sites that include almost all of the same withdrawal symptoms as those seen in heroin dependancy. Physical craving, emotional craving, depression, anxiety...until such time as the object of that love is restored.

So, it is possible for someone to become a Susaann junkie. The junkie wants her in his veins - in his blood...in his soul. Aronofsky, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the wunderkind auteur
of two fervently admired indie hits, has His third and most ambitious film, The Fountain, abandoned by its original star and forsaken by his studio before it even got made. Now headed to theaters as a smaller, fiscally chaster, and far more emotionally intense version of the script Aronofsky originally dreamed up, it’s already provoked a strong reaction among early audiences and critics—but not the kind he had intended. “It’s funny how the same people who complain that Hollywood never does anything different attack when you do,” he says.

a spider in the garden made excellent job with light n line
last yer i had squirrels and those things wt long ears ..
this year came an animal like a cat with furr. like hyena
and the small birds are very happy in autumn to have things to eat

Τετάρτη 18 Αυγούστου 2010

paasto ramadan


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP4PFmHjmuE&feature=related greek autos

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkQg0TxRS7U&feature=related pienet ravut itkee

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IGvwgNAdrY&feature=related haha

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_6Cdc5YGs8 en ole runoilija, olen säe


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8tgCVj0ddc don be angry with me STARS cus im singing in the night

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIFkcOpKf3g sorry the voice disgusting, this song

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZupSiF647Kc&feature=related what do you care, why do u ask

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwOXWnnyMg sunithiseis

Τρίτη 17 Αυγούστου 2010


X sized container can only sateen olomuoto liminka meri pohojanmaabe repacked in a Y sized container, where Y is at least 10% percentage larger than X, or 20% larger for heavy, expensive, or sharp-cornered objects, and 30% larger for anything that has to be returned to the manufacturer in the original packaging. This leads us to the famous adage "caveat emptor," which is Latin for "The customer is always screwed." The upshot of all this is the well-known fact that you can't repack a universe into the cosmic egg it came out of, just as you can't repack an omelette into an eggshell (at least, not until you pick out all the peppers). yes, but i believe x=υχν


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One of the many friendly inhabitants of space. This guy just floats around all day; sometimes he has a hoagie roll with him. But he can't eat it in that helmet.

“Space, is big, really big. You wouldn't believe just how massively, mind-bogglingly big it is. Listen...”
~ Th

“In Space no one can hear you scream, unless you're with me.”
~ Oscar Wilde on Space

“Space is where important things such as wine, swallow nests and salted pig ears are placed!”
~ Flaturiticus, 1324 AD on Space

“In space, you have room.”
~ Captain Obvious on Space

“No you DON'T have room!!!”
~ Captain Denial on Space

“Can you tell me one more time what this quote is supposed to be about?”
~ Captain Oblivious on Space

Space was discovered in 1307 by a couch who was called Flaturiticus, who theorised that all things must have a space in which they reside. His theory has generally been accepted until very recent times - but it was finally discredited in the 1980's by the Council of Worshipful Couch Potatoes. In 2002, after a heated debate between several theoretical philosophy groups, it became clear the Council did not disagree with Flaturiticus about the principle of space, but only of the substances it should contain. The Council adamantly adhered (and continues to do so) to their more modern list of beer, chips and remote control. "We just want to be able to eat without moving away from the TV set", explained the spokesman of the Council in the famous 2003 press conference in Vienna. After the initial turmoil this incident caused in scientific circles, things returned back to normal. Space continues to be accepted as a place where things reside.
However the universe ends, it is commonly agreed by most sages, onions, priests, pontiffs, preachers, kooks, and other spiritual leaders that it will be very bad news for planet Earth. According to them, we should all prepare for the end by buying large numbers of religious books, such as the Bible, the Koran and Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus. These books will give us nightmares about the Apocalypse®©™ so frightening that we will flock to churches, cathedrals, temples, and other places of worship where we will throw large amounts of money, currency and valjuta into collection plates. We will also be invited to buy all the icons, religious medals, prayer books, holy water, and various other paraphernalia kindly manufactured by our religious organizations out of the kindness of their hearts - in order to prevent us from spending eternity in a place that will make the Apocalypse®©™ look like a junior high school choir rehearsal. The notable exception to this are the Rosalinaists. While they believe that the universe will end one day, they rest assured that their goddess Rosalina will pull a deus ex machina and repair the whole universe by sacrificing a bunch of Lumas. If their Holy Story is accurate, she may have done this a few times by now, which may explain why it's possible to lose one's keys while the universe changes.

Κυριακή 15 Αυγούστου 2010

its a new morning
nothing has changed but somethings ar and remain
<br />

Happy Birthday!Many lucky Solar Returns. Take Aedo lei rannan ja räännän ja lumen raja liminkaanuniversity Hebrosn......smooke...nother Trip Around The Sun

Παρασκευή 13 Αυγούστου 2010

mushrooms are ok they are from kulinaarin huhtahyvät week ago mild cream. &pastaria chevre kai rucola, very good

Κυριακή 8 Αυγούστου 2010

en unelma

8.8.2010 14:04

Tomin viinibaari Brooklynin Williamsburgissa oli täynnä. Sean ja Emily juhlivat syntymäpäiviään, ja paikalle oli kokoontunut sekalainen joukko toimittajia, kirjailijoita, bloggaajia ja muita ammatikseen kirjoittavia. Joukossa oli myös useita entisiä toimittajia, kirjailijoita ja bloggaajia.

Tom itse työskenteli aiemmin vapaana toimittajana. Muutama vuosi sitten hän totesi, ettei oikeastaan pidä työstään, ja päätti ryhtyä baarin pitäjäksi.

Aimee kirjoitti aiemmin oppikirjoja ja juttuja valokuvauksesta, mutta luo nyt uraa kameravalmistajien leivissä. Toinen Emily siirtyi taloustoimituksesta talousjätin palvelukseen. Chris vaihtoi lehtijuttujen teon verkkosivujen suunnitteluun, ja Kyla lähti tiedetoimittajan töistä opiskelemaan geenineuvontaa.

Uusien ammattien suma yksissä juhlissa kertoo paitsi journalismin kriisistä myös amerikkalaisesta ajattelusta. Joukossa oli nimittäin myös lakimies, joka suuntaa syksyllä yliopistoon opiskelemaan runoutta.

Lisäksi lähipiiriimme kuuluu entinen it-nörtti, joka työskentelee nyt vanhan paloveneen konemestarina; maisemasuunnittelija, joka pyörittää perustamaansa maratontapahtumaa; ison automerkin myyntipäällikkö, joka testaa työkseen tietokonepelejä; sekä lääketieteen tutkija, joka etsii uutta uraa vaatesuunnittelussa.

Se ei tarkoita, että kuka vain on hyvä missä vain tai että hänelle maksettaisiin heti siitä, mitä hän haluaa tehdä. Se tarkoittaa, että amerikkalainen ajattelee itsestään eri tavalla kuin eurooppalainen. Amerikkalainen on itselleen tabula rasa. niin

Puhdas taulu tulee usein mieleen, kun seuraa amerikkalaisten elämää, enkä nyt tarkoita täydellistä tietämättömyyttä maailman asioista, vaikka siihenkin maassa joskus törmää.

Eurooppaa suuremmassa maassa ihmiset muuttavat rannikolta toiselle kauas ystävistään ja rakkaistaan niin huolettomasti, että minua hirvittää. Miten he voivat jättää perheensä? Ystävänsä? Lapsuuden maisemansa?

Olen toki tehnyt itsekin niin, mutta vain suurin tuskin. Tunnustettakoon se nyt tässä julkisesti: rakastan Suomea kovasti ja ikävöin kotia vähän väliä.

Amerikkalainen ei etäisyyksiä tai juuria mieti. Kaupunkia ja ammattia vaihdetaan, jos tilanne niin vaatii. Sinne mennään, missä on opiskelupaikkoja, töitä tai edullisia asuntoja. Jos elämä ei yhdessä paikassa lutviudu, on pakko siirtyä muualle.

Paikalleen ei voi jäädä narisemaan, koska marisijaa ei kuuntele kukaan.

Paikkaa ja ammattia vaihdetaan kuitenkin myös uuden elämän toivossa, vaikkei olisi edes pakko.

Amerikkalaisilla kaupungeilla on identiteetti. Los Angeles on auringonpalvojien ja viihdebisneksestä haaveilevien paratiisi. Seattlessa asuu ulkoilmaihminen. Washingtonissa hengitetään politiikkaa, ja Texasin Austin vetoaa liberaaliin musiikin ystävään. New York on uraohjuksen tai taiteilijan koti.

Amerikkalainen valitsee, millainen ihminen hän haluaa olla, ja muuttaa kaupunkiin, jossa hänestä tulee sellainen. Muuttokuormat, Greyhound-bussit ja maantien polte ovat osa amerikkalaista mytologiaa, jonka eurooppalainenkin tuntee elokuvista.

Eurooppalaisena paheksun helposti amerikkalaisten luomisleikkejä. Eihän itseään ja vaikeuksiaan voi jättää taakse paikkaa vaihtamalla! Ei uusi kaupunki tai ammatti tee uutta ihmistä.mutta

Am Ihminen on, mikä hän haluaa olla. Tai ainakin

Kysy vaikka lakimies-runoilijalta.

Σάββατο 7 Αυγούστου 2010

Πέμπτη 5 Αυγούστου 2010

Τετάρτη 4 Αυγούστου 2010

jus a

syazwinasaw mus remember to eat only when its really needed hear in forest ..somebodis winkin from the boat and then it dissappear. i know there are some cousins here around

Brian Clemens on writing: 'It's no mystery: Arse to chair, pen to paper.' QWINTOFERPONT ROHONADOMONTE - No cilinders, I am sitting on 3 and leaning on 3 cusions, open window and open doors. Rumbling all over networking from MIIO to LinkedIn over Facebook and Tweeter but home is on Google buzz.3. elokuutaPoiKum

Τρίτη 3 Αυγούστου 2010

Rakkaus on sydän ja avoin sana. Aikomuksesta hyväksyä toisen kaikki rakastavat toistensa kanssa kaikki. .................................................. ....................Love is the heart and be open to the word. Intention to accept each other's everything, all the love with each other. .................................................. ....................

Δευτέρα 2 Αυγούστου 2010

its 2.22 μμ ε. s.ss pm

.the food waste is thrown in a forest for the fellows. yesterday a big beetroot was kind of shining on the green ..somebody came in night and clean

these small birds dont know the summer ll be soon over or then they know more then i

QWINTOFERPONT ROHONADOMONTE - If god is ghost as aum then all lives are gods. But we are attributing it usually to one entity collectivelly as cohesive glue for a faith and togetherness. From all to one and none. But many different divinities, gods, godesses, entities are in the civilistional experience. I am finally, eventually, ultimately and totally living one! How comes! 10 years ago I was simply working in the garden with the hoe and listening radio. They reported problems everywhere. I said: "What can I do to solve it?" With hoe not to much. I have to dispose with large budget.
Who can have such great budget to resolve all problems of the world? God? Yes, yes this is god's job! I threw the hoe away and went to be busy about the god's job. 10 months ago they impostered me this computer and I intensified my activities regarding the god's chores. When replacement for my position of the God comes then I shall take hoe and continue my work in the garden. You see, god is god. Bybybyby.1. elokuutaPoistaKumoa poistoIlmoita roskapostistaEi roskaposti

why i love americans 1 because the are practical
i donot idp not n fashioned girl
idp not
n yu like..gold? today had lot of Flowers chockolates and cakes for no reason. its starts to be cloudy ..i love the tillisilakka and crafted castello blue

sieniä eri jutuissa ja suomalaista kefiiriä
its lovely to live out of one country

Κυριακή 1 Αυγούστου 2010

parayer stop no spinning and on bioloigical biiing
thank God for every sunny day in this summer HuuseLuulenkin olevani onnellisin, kun samassa talossa kanssani olisi ihmisiä, mutta he olisivat eri huoneissa, ja voisin kuulla heidän äänensä ja tuntea heidän läsnäolonsa näkemättä heitä alituiseen talvella; välillä toki olisimme yhdessä rinta rinnan pitkiäkin toveja, sillä arvelen olevani pohjimmiltani sosiaalinen erakko. näin

think they ave beer, too, in US