Τετάρτη 24 Αυγούστου 2022

Vastauksena käyttäjälle @Turska51 Ei ole tullutkaan aikaisemmin mieleen: taitaa olla niin, että sekä kaksinaismoralismin laatu että määrä voivat molemmat olla äärettömät - ei ole olemassa moraalista, ennalta arvattavissa olevaa raja-aitaa.

zelensky: - Car bombing political opponents (Moscow) - Murdering critics on official hit list (Ukraine) - Shelling civilians with butterfly mines (Donetsk) - Chemical weapons attacks (Zaporizhzhia) - Shelling nuclear power plant (Zaporizhzhia)
MakingSense @MakingSenseInfo ·Abkhazia is ready to join the Union State of Russia and Belarus.https://twitter.com/ProgIntl/following The republic needs a strong alliance with Moscow, President of Abkhazia Aslan Bzhaniya said on SolovievLive 20. elok. WEF is desperate, losing, and will fail. In his 2016 book "Art of Peace" Bob Moriarty predicted a collapse of the banking system and the world's first worldwide revolution which he believes is now just starting..

9 σχόλια:

  1. ähäsanainen on ollut
    hänen kotonaan virka-ajan bileistä.

    Kansan pitäisi ehkä lähteä tonkimaan !

  2. 30. maalisk.
    This Radio Liberty video is heartbreaking. This is Galina, who was left alone for the whole village of Kvitneve in the Mykolaiv region. The rest of the people decided to evacuate and leave their homes because "Russian liberators" were approaching.then .. azov happened hiding ..and now elokuu again Kvitneve

  3. Eurasia & Multipolarity
    Forwarded from
    Mateo K.
    🤔There are two wars going on:

    1. Physical war by the US against Russia to the last Ukrainian.

    2. Economic war by the US against Russia to the last European.

    But the Ukrainians and Europeans do not understand this yet. And when they do, it may be too late.

  4. Venäjän puolustusministeriö: 5.-9. syyskuuta Genevessä pidettiin biologisten aseiden kieltosopimuksen maiden kokous Venäjän pyynnöstä Yhdysvaltojen ja Ukrainan tekemän sopimuksen artiklojen rikkomisen yhteydessä. osallistujille annettiin todisteita sotilasbiologisista toimista Ukrainassa.

    "Millään valtuuskunnilla ei ollut epäilyksiä toimitettujen asiakirjojen aitoudesta, mukaan lukien patogeenisten materiaalien kerääntyminen Ukrainan laboratorioihin, mukaan lukien Mechnikov Anti-Plague Institute.

    " sotilaat, vähäosaiset ja mielisairaaloiden potilaat. Näin tehdessään Yhdysvaltain valtuuskunta myönsi samankaltaisia ​​tosiseikkoja ja huomautti, että näytteiden siirto Yhdysvaltoihin "on ollut harvinaista".

    "Venäjän puheet saivat monet valtiot pohtimaan Pentagonin kanssa tapahtuvan vuorovaikutuksen riskejä sotilas-biologisella alalla sekä tarkastelemaan uudella tavalla tällaisen yhteistyön tarvetta ja tarkoituksenmukaisuutta", puolustusministeriö sanoo.

  5. ing the essential truth behind the formal, literal truths was a way of freeing one self from narrow mindedness and the razor wire of fundamentalism. And I don’t just mean religious. To name a few – scientific, economic, political, psychological, philosophical, artistic ….in fact, name an activity and it can be done and thought of in a fundamentalist way.

    Mahmoud lived in one of the many concrete and cement apartments in down town Damascus, right under the arc traced by missiles from Israel. He was very lucky he told me because he had a ground floor apartment with some earth for plants. A wooden door from the street set in a large wall was the entrance to his home.

    He introduced me to his wife and two daughters, his father and mother and his brother as “Stavros from Australia”. His wife Jamil brought some tea in glass tumblers and sat next to me. She said, “Pleased to meet you and welcome. I want to show you a book. I am learning English.” I was touched by the effort she put in saying this to me in English.

    We were sitting around a wooden table in the enclosed area behind the wall facing the street. Mahmoud pointed to a fountain and pool, the size of a bathtub on our right . He said,”I and my brother made this fountain.” It was made of cement with inlaid patterns of shells, coral and pebbles. The shape was more like a cumulus cloud than rigid lines of concrete blocks. The water spouted from a bowl in the centre while the spirals, circles, squares and triangles of the fountain’s container looked on with mosaic eyes. I walked over to it and admired the detail of their work.

    Meanwhile Mahmoud’s father, mother and brother brought cucumbers, tomatoes, shallots, radishes, cheese, bread and boiled eggs to the table. Soon after, falafals, humous, fried eggplant, cinnamon beans and dips were added to the table. Everybody sat around the table with the young girls at one corner each. We each had a plate on which we placed what we wanted from the dishes before us. Everybody was interested in this stranger from the other side of the planet – Australia. In my shoulder bag I carried postcards of Australia to give to new friends. I pulled some out and passed them around – pictures of kangaroos, koalas, Sydney Opera House, Uluru and Sydney Harbour Bridge. Everybody recognised the kangaroos.

    Jamil brought over a book on the English language. She was studying English on her own using this book and some tapes. Her husband Mahmoud helped when he could but he was not fluent in English either. She said,” Please, may I read and you tell me if sounds true? Please?” She read some dialogue between two people. One was asking for directions and the other answered. The only thing missing in her delivery was confidence.

    As I sat there with this Syrian family I thought about philoxenia, “Friend of the Stranger” the Greek word for “hospitality” which in the original denotes something sacred and more open than “hospitality”. It is mentioned in Homer’s “The Odyssey” where Odysseus experienced philoxenia often in his travels. My new friends expressed philoxenia in such a way that it brought tears to my eyes. I was a stranger in their midst and they offered me friendship, food and comfort. A bond grew between us that had its strength in our common humanity and the fact that everyone is a stranger away from home. Mahmoud and his brother asked me what hotel I was staying at and then phoned for a taxi to take me there.

    While waiting for the taxi Mahmoud said, “I want you to have this.” In his hand were some worry beads. I showed him the worry beads my uncle gave me in Greece. The Greek ones I had were more solid and heavier with round beads. Mahmoud’s were smaller and the beads were like long brown rice grains. We compared them.

    He smiled, “Well you now have Syrian worries to keep your Greek ones company!”

    Mahmoud and his brother rode with me to my hotel in the taxi. They would not allow me to pay for the fare. They just wanted to make sure that I was taken to the right place.

    In Damascus, Syria, I found true philoxenia not xenophobia

  6. Νικος αλεξιου
    Διεγραψε χρεος της ΑΝΕΚ υψους 156 εκατομμυριων και αλλους για χρεος 3000 στην εφορια του παιρνουν το σπιτι

  7. Νικος αλεξιου
    Διεγραψε χρεος της ΑΝΕΚ υψους 156 εκατομμυριων και αλλους για χρεος 3000 στην εφορια του παιρνουν το σπιτι
