Πέμπτη 25 Αυγούστου 2022

What if I told you that U.S. aggression toward Russia and China is the single biggest threat humanity faces today.https://twitter.com/br_resistencia/following

https://twitter.com/br_resistencia/following Carla Venezia @carla_venezia · 9t Important! 👇 Pepe Escobar | Geopolitical tectonic plates shifting, six months on https://thesaker.is/geopolitical-tectonic-plates-shifting-six-months-on/

33 σχόλια:

  1. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FbplW9kX0AAFKjp?format=jpg&name=small

  2. inkvisitio ei tapahtunut venäjällä vaan espanjassa, harhaoppisuutta vainottiin

  3. Biden's proposed $813,000,000,000 military budget could:

    End homelessness in the US 40x.

    End world hunger 20x.

    End poverty in the US 2.5x.

    The U.S. is the real threat to humanity.

  4. Kremlin considers inappropriate Zelensky's idea to release Ukrainian prisoners of war in exchange for the launch of the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline

    “Are people and ammonia the same thing?!” Peskov said.

    Who are the careless beasts in this situation?

  5. Now-former ABC News investigative reporter James Gordon Meek abruptly resigned from the Disney-owned network following an FBI raid of his Arlington, Virginia, home and colleagues haven’t seen him since, according to a new report.

    Tatiana Siegel’s story for Rolling Stone dove into the bizarre situation surrounding the Emmy Award-winning journalist.

    "Multiple sources familiar with the matter say Meek was the target of an FBI raid at the Siena Park apartments, where he had been living on the top floor for more than a decade. An FBI representative told Rolling Stone its agents were present on the morning of April 27… The FBI cannot comment further due to an ongoing investigation," Siegel wrote. "Meek has been charged with no crime. But independent observers believe the raid is among the first — and quite possibly, the first — to be carried out on a journalist by the Biden administration."

  6. "A federal magistrate judge in the Virginia Eastern District Court signed off on the search warrant the day before the raid. If the raid was for Meek’s records, U.S. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco would have had to give her blessing; a new policy enacted last year prohibits federal prosecutors from seizing journalists’ documents. Any exception requires the deputy AG’s approval," Siegel continued. "In the raid’s aftermath… Meek has made himself scarce."

    Siegel reported that none of his neighbors who were willing to speak to Rolling Stone have spoken to him since the incident, and his apartment appears vacant.

    "Sources familiar with the matter say federal agents allegedly found classified information on Meek’s laptop during their raid. One investigative journalist who worked with Meek says it would be highly unusual for a reporter or producer to keep any classified information on a computer," Siegel wrote before citing Meek’s lawyer.

  7. "Mr. Meek is unaware of what allegations anonymous sources are making about his possession of classified documents," his attorney Eugene Gorokhov told Rolling Stone. "If such documents exist, as claimed, this would be within the scope of his long career as an investigative journalist covering government wrongdoing. The allegations in your inquiry are troubling for a different reason: they appear to come from a source inside the government. It is highly inappropriate, and illegal, for individuals in the government to leak information about an ongoing investigation. We hope that the DOJ [Department of Justice] promptly investigates the source of this leak."

    Rolling Stone added that it is "unclear what story, if any, would have put Meek in the FBI’s crosshairs," but noted he frequently worked on "extremely sensitive topics" involving terrorists and Blackwater founder Erik Prince.

    Siegel reported that ABC’s sister company Hulu stopped an Emmy campaign that was attempting to put a spotlight on "3212 Un-Redacted," a documentary based on Meek’s reporting, once he "apparently went AWOL," and Simon & Schuster stopped using Meek’s credentials to promote a book he worked on. Lt. Col. Scott Mann, a retired Green Beret who worked on the book with Meek, told Rolling Stone he honored Meek’s request to withdraw from the project.

  8. The report detailed how "the Obama and Trump administrations were criticized for targeting journalists and their sources" but "in July 2021, Attorney General Merrick Garland enacted a new policy that bars federal prosecutors from seizing journalists’ records in leak investigations, with some exceptions, including if reporters are suspected of working for agents of a foreign power or terrorist organizations, as well as situations involving imminent risks such as kidnappings or crimes against children."

    It’s unclear if the government had the grounds to act on Meek.

    "At ABC News, Meek’s sudden absence has left many of his colleagues perplexed, given that he still had time remaining on his contract. But his background was often shrouded in mystery. Some contemporaries were under the impression that he previously served in the military. One described a picture in his office that was taken in a desert, in which all of the others posing with Meek had their faces blacked out," Siegel wrote.

    Meek has not tweeted since April 27, the day the raid occurred.


  9. https://en.as.com › latest_news › what-do-the-pyramid-and-the-eye-on-the-one-dollar-bill...

    What do the pyramid and the eye on the one-dollar bill mean and what is ...
    The iconic Great Seal was added in 1935, representing the first time that the pyramid and eagle motif was found on the American dollar bill. This was the suggestion of Henry A. Wallace, President ...

  10. Syyskuussa Energodar, jossa sijaitsee Euroopan suurin Zaporozhyen ydinvoimala, liitettiin virallisesti osaksi Venäjää. Mutta kaupungilla on edelleen monia aiemmin kuvailemistamme ongelmista :

    ▪️ZNPP:n ja muiden yritysten työntekijät saavat edelleen palkkaa Ukrainan budjetista . Tämän vuoksi osa puolueettomiltakin kansalaisilta kieltäytyy antamasta Venäjän humanitaarista apua eivätkä osallistuneet kansanäänestykseen.

    ▪️Eläkkeiden uudelleenlaskenta on akuutti kysymys . Nyt kaupungin asukkaille luvataan maksaa kertaluonteinen 10 000 ruplaa, vaikka jotkut asukkaat, mukaan lukien entiset ZNPP:n työntekijät, saivat jopa 36 000

  11. "Samurai" syntyi ja asui Gorlovkassa. Ennen Donbassin sotaa hän oli täysin siviilihenkilö, hän työskenteli kaivoksessa kaivosmekaanikkona. Kiovan vallankaappaus ja Ukrainan armeijan siirto Donbassin rauhoittamiseksi pakottivat samurait tarttumaan aseisiin ja lähtemään puolustamaan maataan:
    ”Kukaan ei halua länsimaisen ideologian tulevan tänne. Anna heidän elää omaa elämäänsä, kukaan ei häiritse heitä, mutta me emme luovu omastamme."

  12. Ison-Britannian SAS-erikoisjoukkojen eliittiyksikön sotilashenkilöstön osallistuminen hyökkäystoimiin Khersonin suunnassa ei todellakaan ole poissuljettu.
    Huhtikuun 9. päivänä, Boris Johnsonin Kiova-vierailun päivänä, Le Figaron toimittaja Georges Malbruno sanoi ranskalaiseen tiedustelulähteeseen viitaten :
    "Eliitti-SAS-yksiköt ovat olleet läsnä Ukrainassa sodan alusta lähtien, samoin kuin amerikkalaiset Delta-yksiköt.

  13. millä todennäköisyydellä lähetetään avunpyyntö tai yksinkertaisesti saatetaan koko euroatlanttisen kolossi liikkeelle Romanian alueelta itään ilman sitä (ainakin Dnesterin estämiseksi) operatiivisen toiminnan sattuessa Venäjän asevoimien menestys Nikolaev-Odessa suunnassa?

  14. , Bulgariasta ja Romaniasta lähtevät irtolastialukset ja LNG-tankkerit kulkevat pääosin Sulinan kautta.

    On olemassa useita viitteitä, jotka viittaavat "maatalouden teollisuuskompleksin rahdin" vientiin Odessan satamista, sekä eurooppalaisten kuluttajien toiveita vastata lannoitteiden kysyntään. Näin ollen hypoteesi lannoitteiden viennistä Port Plantista Odessan satamien kautta voidaan vahvistaa

  15. 738___292’827,37______28282829383729292947
    Twitter laid me off today. If you know of any open positions for project managers and senior software engineers, let me know. I was the PM in charge of that feature where you get random suggested viral cats videos

  16. https://mvlehti.net/2022/10/27/venajan-karhu-heraa-suursodan-strategiat-ja-suomen-kohtalo/

  17. Marriage is foundation of a Chinese family. As the Chinese saying goes: a harmonious family prospers everything (家和万事兴). It used to be the norm that once people marry, they should never divorce – they should try everything possible to maintain the marriage and make the family “harmonious.” However, as the Chinese society evolves rapidly in recent decades, the divorce rate in China has increased about 10-fold from 1979-2019. To cope with that, China passed a law in 2020 to mandate a 30-day “cooling off” period before formalizing a divorce. The divorce rate dropped drastically after the law went into effect, but it sparked anger especially among women and deterred young people from getting married. What has been causing the rising demand to untie the knot in China? Do marriage and family still hold the foundational value for Chinese nowadays? How would the change of the law affect men and women differently? Join us in the conversation with two experts in this field and tell us what you think at China Institute.

    Coming of Age in China Now is a series that focuses on the dynamic aspects of the life and society in contemporary China. Each program will feature a topic that opens up an opportunity to learn about the complexity of life in China that connects its great transformation over the past decades to a world that is deeply interrelated. As the newer generations are coming to age and becoming the backbone of the Chinese society, what are the challenges they face today? Do marriage and family still hold the foundational value for them? Is LGBT considered a western concept and what is it like to be an LGBT member given China’s tradition and changing views on family values? How does China cope with its aging population? We will explore those intriguing topics with you as we are bringing back our in-person programs at China Institute.


  18. Pirkko
    75,9 t. tykkäystä
    Näe uudet twiitit
    Helsinki, FinlandLiittyi toukokuu 2009
    841 seurattua
    386 seuraajaa
    Seuraajina Anti-imperialisti katti, Wilhelm Karhunpää ja 17 muuta, joita seuraat
    Olet hiljentänyt tämän tilin twiitit. Poista hiljennys
    Twiitit ja vastaukset
    Käyttäjän Pirkko tykkäämät twiitit
    Emma Ashford
    Thus far, the craziest thing we’ve learned on our
    trip to Finland wasn’t the history of the winter war or Cold War arms control.

    It was the unexpected discovery that Xi Jinping visited Lapland in 2010 and had his picture taken with Santa.
    Saira Draper
    Don't tell me energy is low around voting.

    Just received a report out of Kansas that a voter was told she couldn't vote while wearing her partisan t-shirt.

    So she took it off and voted in her bra.
    Näytä tämä ketju
    Anton Dykyi 🇺🇦 🇬🇧
    Vastauksena käyttäjille
    Given that Taliban inherited far more deadly and complex weapons, a couple of short-range weapons from 80s/90s are nothing burger.
    Jyrki Myllyvirta
    8. marrask.
    Stefan Wallin antoi puheenvuoron ensin Ruotsin puolustusvaliokunnan puheenjohtaja Hultqvistille perustelemalla, että on parempi olla vieraskorea kuin Pohjois-Korea. Kuinkahan tämä simultaanitulkattiin ruotsiksi ja englanniksi? #hanating #hanakäräjät

  19. Ruisleivän kotileivonnan aikaan jokaisella talolla oli oma taikinanjuurensa, joka saattaa olla monien vuosikymmenten takaa.[1] Samalla tavoin jokaisella leipomolla on tänäkin päivänä oma raskinsa. Hyvä ruisraskiosaaminen on keskeinen tekijä korkealaatuisen ruisleivän aikaansaamiseksi. Aiemmin hapanleipää tehtiin taikinajuuren avulla muistakin kotoisista viljoista (ohra, kaura, vehnä, tattari).

  20. Tänään kipe viikko jälkeen puhuin 3m etäisyys

  21. MINISTERI Krista Kiurun ajamat ennakkotestit Kiinasta Suomeen saapuville matkustajille saavat Husin infektioylilääkäri Asko Järviseltä ja Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) johtavalta asiantuntijalta Jari Jalavalta tyrmäyksen.

    Koronaministerityöryhmä esitti torstaina matkustajille koronaviruksen ennakkotestejä, jotka on tehty korkeintaan 48 tuntia ennen matkaa. EU-maat suosittivat viime keskiviikkona jäsenmaita vaatimaan Kiinasta EU-maihin saapuvilta matkustajilta.

    ”Tässä vaikuttavat nyt enemmän poliittiset paineet kuin lääketieteelliset tosiasiat. Poliitikot kokevat, että on olemassa uhka, joten on syytä toimia. He pelkäävät, että jos ei ole toimittu, siitä tulee jälkikäteen pyyhkeitä”, Järvinen sanoo.

    ”Kiinasta tulevien ennakkotestistä voisi käyttää termiä poliittinen sumutus”, Järvinen sanoo.

  22. Koivistolaisilla oli hyvä elämä. Kyläläisten välinen yhteistyö oli sujuvaa ja Koiviston hyvää henkeä edistävää. Ihmisillä oli hyvät kodit, kaikilla oli töitä ja lapset saivat käydä koulua. Viikonloppuisin soi musiikki, tanssittiin. Pyhäisin käytiin kirkossa. Koivistolaiset perustivat nuorisoseuroja ja työväenyhdistyksiä.

    Toukokuussa 1918 kaikki muuttui kuin salamaniskusta. Väkivalta astui kaiken hyvän tilalle. Alkoi pimeä aikakausi. Sisällissodan julmuus tuli esille; ihmisiä mestattiin. Heidät teloitettiin ampumalla. Ruumiita oli joka puolella kaivetuissa montuissa. Kuolleita oli kymmenittäin. Useita poikia samasta perheestä saattoi joutua mestauslistalle. Tuomioistuimet julistivat omia ampumalistojaan, eikä minkäänlaista oikeudenkäyntiä ollut. Mihinkään väkivaltaisuuksiin ei kuitenkaan ollut aihetta varsinaisten taisteluiden jälkeen.

  23. Parhaiten nukuin Mytilinistä 2000 2004

    1. https://www.mixanitouxronou.gr/mikri-niouniou-kori-tou-nikola-asimou-pou-egine-maskot-ton-exarchion/

    2. https://www.mixanitouxronou.gr/mikri-niouniou-kori-tou-nikola-asimou-pou-egine-maskot-ton-exarchion/

    3. The Americans who funded Hitler, Nazis, German economic miracle, and World War II

    4. The Americans who funded Hitler, Nazis, German economic miracle, and World War II -- by Nikolay Starikov Wed, 6 Oct 2010-- Photo by DoD -- Seventy years ago the greatest massacre in history began – with the financing from the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System of the United States. A recent resolution by the parliamentary assembly of the OSCE declared that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany held equal roles in unleashing WWII. Furthermore, the resolution has the purely pragmatic goal of pumping Russian money into a few bankrupt economies while seeking to demonize Russia as the successor to the Soviet Union and prepare the legal groundwork for depriving Moscow from opposing this revisionist view the war. But if we are to debate the culpability for the war’s outbreak, then we need to begin by answering this key question: who accommodated the Nazis’ rise to power, who directed them towards global catastrophe? Germany’s entire prewar history shows that the “

    5. catastrophe? Germany’s entire prewar history shows that the “necessary” policies were all provided for by guided financial turmoil – the same situation, by the way, that the world finds itself in today.
      The key structures of the West’s post-war strategy were the central financial institutions of the United States and Great Britain – the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System – coupled with financial-industrial organizations, who set out to establish absolute control over the financial system in Germany to manage the politics of Central Europe. The implementation of this strategy included the following steps:
      1st: 1919-1924 – Preparing the grounds for massive American financial investments in the German economy.
      2nd: 1924-1929 – Establishing control over the financial system and funding the
