Δευτέρα 29 Μαρτίου 2010

are you dangerous

this summer ill go to gran'paoon pikkutytto taas











minusta paskan puhuminen on äärettömän tärkeää suomessa.





.Uaxashaktun (Muurish Empire Washitaw) exists as the world's oldest sovereign and independent nation As descendants of Earth's first humans, we Washitaw declare our individual and collective, and ancient and indigenous sovereignty to every other individual, state, country or sovereign body, and to the world-at-large. In our solemn declaration as the people of Mu, we ask not 'for permission or endorsement,' rather we demand respect and acknowledgment: as the Spiraling Force of the Mother of All Creation has ordained it. We are a "spiritual tribe" who live under the protection of the Creatress. All who offend sovereign descendants of The Ancient Ones likewise offend the Presence of The Omnipotent. Those who violate our sacred Laws of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice will suffer the consequences down through the lineages of their own seed n himane
.Something is wrong with Buzz. I was in the middle of telling you about Extraterrestrial Joy when everything disappeared. Anyway, my good friend Xtlop is from the planet YesYesYes! and he says that most earth people are incapable of experiencing EJ unless they consume large quantities of mashed scarab beetles, marinated in Tide Brainwash. Do you have access to the beetles? I have plenty of Brainwash.



Παρασκευή 26 Μαρτίου 2010

teher wrer so many beautiful moioments on earth

Mark Dion was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts in 1961. He received a BFA (1986) and an honorary doctorate (2003) from the University of Hartford School of Art, Connecticut. Dion’s work examines the ways in which dominant ideologies and public institutions shape our understanding of history, knowledge, and the natural world. The job of the artist, he says, is to go against the grain of dominant culture, to challenge perception and convention. Appropriating archaeological and other scientific methods of collecting, ordering, and exhibiting objects, Dion creates works that question the distinctions between ‘objective’ (‘rational’) scientific methods and ‘subjective’ (‘irrational’) influences. The artist’s spectacular and often fantastical curiosity cabinets, modeled on Wunderkabinetts of the 16th Century, exalt atypical orderings of objects and specimens. By locating the roots of environmental politics and public policy in the construction of knowledge about nature, Mark Dion questions the authoritative role of the scientific voice in contemporary society. He has received numerous awards, including the ninth annual a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://disinfo-drop.s3.amazonaws.com/LadyGagaTelephone.jpg">
Neovius-Nevanlinna on suomalainen suku, joka on tullut tunnetuksi erityisesti matemaatikoista, papeista ja sotilaista[1]. Suvun vaiheita tunnetaan 1700-luvun alkuun asti, jolloin Rengon kappelin lukkarin Tuomas Tuomaanpojan samanniminen poika lähti Turkuun opiskelemaan papiksi. Siellä hän sai nimekseen Thomas Nyman, ja myöhemmin nimi muunnettiin muotoon Neovius.[2] 1900-luvun alussa suomalaisuusliikkeen innoittamana osa suvun jäsenistä muutti sukunimensä Nevanlinnaksi.[3]

Sukuun kuuluu monia professoreita ja muun muassa aktivisti, päätoimittaja, RKP:n kansanedustaja Arvid Neovius, eduskunnan puhemies ja sanomalehti Uuden Suomen päätoimittaja Ernst Nevanlinna, Haminan kadettikoulun matematiikan opettaja, sittemmin kenraalimajuri Edvard Neovius, senaattori ja matemaatikko Edvard Rudolf Neovius, kadettikoulun johtaja ja valtiopäiväedustaja kenraaliluutnantti Frithiof Neovius, yksi Suomen kansainvälisesti tunnetuimmista matemaatikoista Rolf Nevanlinna, kirjailija-arkkitehti Arne Nevanlinna, tunnustettu veriryhmäserologian ja populaatiogenetiikan tutkija Harri Nevanlinna sekä matemaatikko Olavi Nevanlinna. Hjalmar Neovius toimi pitkään korkeimman oikeuden jäsenenä ja presidenttinä itsenäisyyden alkuvuosikymmenillä. Lars Neovius-Nevanlinna kirjoitti matematiikan oppikirjoja ja kehitti suomenkielisen pikakirjoitusjärjestelmän.

Muita tunnettuja Neovius-Nevanlinnoja ovat veljensä Arvidin tapaan RKP:n kansanedustajana toiminut opettaja ja aktuaari Dagmar Neovius.
zappa meens free..in greek
in economy
myson is coming home. will be celebrating

Πέμπτη 25 Μαρτίου 2010

Hyvää Pääsiäistä

Letting things take their course, no rushing, no trying and no forcing? I heard like 90% of Americans dont even have passports
so how they come out killin
we dont check them
For decades, each new dollar u.s taken on in debt n debt has produced less and lesseh

Τρίτη 23 Μαρτίου 2010

hei rauno mullei oo mitään ajateltavaa

.."Writing is like eating. You put food or ideas in. Digest for a while and shit comes out. And sometimes it really stinks." oh this z mi favourite writer his fromU.S. but really..its about consuming, again GFW ~
He wanted to write an autobiography but had no one to write about. He had no one to practice self-hypnosis on. He was so alone. And stupid.<- love

peculiar book about hypocondria.

Κυριακή 21 Μαρτίου 2010

never mine.. when a man can make u thijnk i want the butterfly. a warm shyness and a beautiful mind: basics of finnish brand läl

22nd March 2010


I had a vision of a man on ice.

Each time it would crack

he fell to his knees

and cried forth tears of blood.

upαrhi αrαge i lexi pou siopi den borei nα ekfrαsei::have a couragge! don hurt u. i need some quide. bless yur eyes

miten Rakkuas sujuu
i don always get those americans, the joking sounds good but really no kind philosophy there. i meen whats the meening. to have good time and hurt people. just dont get that ok ill probably read them once a month

Σάββατο 20 Μαρτίου 2010

well, its a new day anyway :-) Love, for Derrida, needs no real object..but what about u


Whales are animals in the world just one thing, what communication will be.

- They seem to have a lot of language abilities as dolphins have their own name or identity of whistle, which is identified with and which it will have to always use their own before the speech, so we know who and when is her. This identity proves even whistles that dolphins can gossip. Scottish coast scientists discovered that a small flock of dolphins repeated the guarantee of a conventional herd, member of whistling, which was not at the moment and not halmeilla countries. So when is gone, as soon as we talk about evil, Viitala laughs.

Another example, which forces reflection on the intelligence of dolphins, enter the Brazilian coast. There, the dolphins have taken to help local fishermen by driving schools of fish throwing the reach of networks. Dolphins also give a fisherman a character, to throw at the network. If the fisherman does not throw the network intelligence at the right time, the dolphins will not appear on the site nokkiinsa a few time.

Παρασκευή 19 Μαρτίου 2010

plese be sure
uni unen juna

Πέμπτη 18 Μαρτίου 2010

belong, resist

small people change, big people what i know to do best. i think the same that you re doing, nothing

Τετάρτη 17 Μαρτίου 2010

d like to have that waking states delirium these days im straight awake

u want me to love u, thats nice..i will.

Τρίτη 16 Μαρτίου 2010

Im here

who on earth will come with me to Hellsinki..your reasoning flawed no...at odds with your ad no...yet you act "in his name" no...bet people call others with names yes...
dont take theories seriously, its no ready yet Infatuation is a feeling; real love involves commitment. Infatuation is love of emotionno devotion. Will involved. Next, a person "fall into" infatuation, but "grows into" love. Gentlemen, have you ever seen a girl who was so beautiful that you thought you'd faint?

Κυριακή 14 Μαρτίου 2010

Veryhigh Quality, everybody, no one can help at the eye of a hurricane

A circadian rhythm is a roughly 24-hour cycle in the biochemical, physiological or behavioural processes of living entities, including plants, animals, fungi and cyanobacteria (see bacterial circadian rhythms). Leijona on lyhyesti sanottuna The Johtaja. Leijona haluaa erottua joukosta aina. Hän on hyvä kaikessa mihin ryhtyy, koska on intohimoinen ja paneutuu asioihin täysillä. Leijonia sanotaan päättäväisiksi ja elämänvoimaa sykkiviksi henkilöiksi. Leijonalle maailma on näyttämö, ja pääosan esittäjän voit arvata. Leijonalla on vahva itsetunto ja tasapainoinen luonne. Hän on antelias ja hyväntahtoinen menestyjä, jolle mikään ammatti ei ole liian vaikea.

Koska Leijona rakastaa johtamista, näkyy se myös ammatinvalinnassa. Leijonaa sanotaan kauniiksi, seksikkääksi ja omanarvontuntoiseksi. Hän on erityisen lojaali ystävilleen, ja puolustaa heitä henkeen ja vereen. Leijonan pitää saada loistaa tai huomio kiinnittyy muualle. Parisuhteessa Leijona on kumppanilleen jalo. Hän hukuttaa toisen rakkauteen, ja osaa olla hurmaavampi kuin kukaan. Leijona tuo rakastetulleen kukkia ja suklaata. Hän on romantikko

Τετάρτη 10 Μαρτίου 2010

I do love You now

change ur Place Hunt - Angela...you are digging up ancient history of a hatchet...that post was 10 days ago...19.51
Angela - Well you're still an ass so I guess its all good then.19.52
Sean - cool.

Did you block yourself again? I told you to stop harassing yourself!


fireflies, loving the robot
i read north - with all meening of the south
Words are easy to say, Nice Things are easy to buy, but Good People are difficult to find. Life ends when you stop dreaming, Hope ends when you stop believing, Love ends when you stop crying, Friendship ends when you stop sharing. So, as simple like this, I'm sharing this message whom I consider as my real friends...To love without condition. To talk without intention. To give without reason. And, to care without expectation.

Δευτέρα 8 Μαρτίου 2010

Dependent on ur friendliness

ay, mystiriou Επειδή η λογική τελειώνει εκεί που αρχίζεις εσύ
και μ’ ένα σου άγγιγμα όλα γκρεμίζονται
και πάλι χτίζονται απ’ την αρχή
Κι όλα τ’ αστέρια κι οι γαλαξίες
χορεύουν μέσα μου ως το πρωί
Γι’ αυτό
Shorttaajat ottavat pankista valtavia euromääräisiä lainoja ja myyvät eurot markkinoille. Tarkoituksena on synnyttää euroista ylitarjontaa, jolloin kysynnän ja tarjonnan lain mukaisesti euron kurssi alkaa laskea, ja mitä enemmän se putoaa, sen pienemmäksi shorttaajien euromääräiset lainat kutistuvat.

Σάββατο 6 Μαρτίου 2010

"I am now a checkerboard chick"!!!!

he unfollowed me but theres no reason for me to walk away

if u go away cannot see the butterfly
good mor

another kind, neither

death is lik e an orgasm but life is like thousands of themChanging someone's emotional state makes physiological changes in their body & alters actions they are likely to take. http://bit.ly/c1gwz4

a ddress

There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile.
He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked houseone hole is all I need to rip through threads of time to break through suffocating life, break free & fly higher futher then stars, freedom!

Παρασκευή 5 Μαρτίου 2010

so abou-t

Bobby Shafto's looking out,
All his ribbons flew about,
All the ladies gave a shout,
Hey for Boy Shafto!
Little Boy Blue,

Come blow your horn,

The sheep's in the meadow,

The cow's in the corn;

Little Boy Blue,

Come blow your horn,

The sheep's in the meadow,

The cow's in the corn;

But where is the boy

Who looks after the sheep?

He's under a haycock,

Fast asleep
Three men in a tub,

And how do you think they got there?

The butcher, the baker,
The candlestick-maker,
They all jumped out of a rotten potato,

'Twas enough to make a man stare.

Πέμπτη 4 Μαρτίου 2010

touch me no i meen in realitymess sage ges

introvert dog

i like these rings. haha. What about ring around eyee ritida
this is a dictionary..the pic..hmm..doesnt connect
i really liked it to bi truesweet man
--but is♡ - 외국인들이 인터넷에서 주로 사용하는 이모티콘 모음
now if i dont have a story and u any playground

Τρίτη 2 Μαρτίου 2010

pentagono=pente gonies=five corners..looks like news becoming news last night. tha same happened with 911, signed it on diary months before 2001. here in the blog wrote 17 0ct its not wirth waking up with regrets and the next morning mac didnt wake up

a symbol

Δευτέρα 1 Μαρτίου 2010

timing no its serious

the food is light the temperature is right the noices ok mostly
i have the freedom always wanted.. health
..dont need to work
i have beautiful daughter
its spring and the garden is full of strange birds
people bring mi presents every day
am i eally eally believing in this. computerworld
i ll still be here under another Lemontree