Τετάρτη 1 Ιουλίου 2020

all started in the Middle Ages, when parts of these lands were owned by the Dukes of Brabant and parts by the Lords of Breda, and later the House of Nassau. When Belgium and the Netherlands were formed, it became necessary to establish a border between the two countries. In Baarle, the demarcation was so confusing that a special border commission

https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1JZAP_fiFI860FI860&sxsrf=ALeKk01WuEihspNPEwiDxmacvLshlRviqA:1593698657696&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=a2+milk&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBufuS3q7qAhXBxaYKHSPzATAQsAR6BAgFEAE&biw=1368&bih=721 ...........................印度国内民族主义狂热很严重,尤其是莫迪上台以来推行的“印度教”民族主义政策!想让印度自己冷静下来不太可能也不现实! Kielestä kiina kääntänyt Nationalismin fanaattisuus Intiassa on erittäin vakava, etenkin "hindu" -natsionalismipolitiikka, jota Modi on toteuttanut virkaan ottamisensa jälkeen! On epätodennäköistä ja epärealistista haluta Intian rauhoittua!http://www.kupiainen.net/ajankohtaista.htm