i like Να έχεις μια όμορφη μέρα και να είσαι ζεστά ☺️you are going to meet.
Κυριακή 31 Μαΐου 2020
Πέμπτη 28 Μαΐου 2020
Taiwan ei ole vielä minusta de jure itsenäinen valtio, siis siinä mielessä, että sitä ei ole monikaan tunnustanut.
Enrico Ivanov Ortodoksinen risti
I believe #CIA might not renew the contract of Joshua Wanker, #China's new National Security Law forbids illegal activities (like promoting separatism) sponsored by foreign governments in #HongKong.
-Qatar and Saudi Arabia to pay billions of dollars to the 6th fleet to defect.
-The entire world sanctions America
- Russia and China take over Oil fields in Texas.

Τετάρτη 20 Μαΐου 2020
Liia kaunist
Why is Venezuela's oil production declining?TAMPERELAISPERHE halusi kovasti tavata Pohjanmaalla asuvat isovanhemmat. Perheellä on vuoden ikäinen lapsi, joten lapsenlapsen kipuaminen isovanhempien syliin tuntui tärkeältä.
Yli 70-vuotiaat ovat kuitenkin koronaviruksen riskiryhmää, ja heidän tapaamisiaan oli kehotettu välttämään.
Perheen ratkaisu oli omaehtoinen karanteeni. Perhe vietti kaksi viikkoa omissa oloissa kotona etätöissä ja lasta hoitaen. He tilasivat elintarvikkeet verkkokaupasta, ja toimitukset jätettiin oven ulkopuolelle.
Vastaavasti isovanhemmat pysyivät kaksi viikkoa omissa oloissaan ja pitivät kontaktinsa minimissä.
Kahden viikon jälkeen perhe matkusti autolla mummolaan.
ANTAAKO omaehtoinen karanteeni mahdollisuuden normaaliin kanssakäymiseen isovanhempien kanssa?
Venezuelan crude oil production falls to lowest level since January 2003. ... Widespread power outages, and U.S. sanctions directed at Venezuela's energy sector and PdVSA have all contributed to the recent declines.May 20, 2019
Σάββατο 16 Μαΐου 2020
what they have TO offer
Operation Barbarossa (German: Unternehmen Barbarossa) was the code name for the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union, which started on Sunday, 22 June 1941,pediafi.wikipedia.org › wiki › Jatkosota
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Jatkosota käytiin Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton välillä 25. kesäkuuta 1941 – 19. syyskuuta 1944 .................. was denied respiratory care {13} despite available ICU beds outside Stockholm. With such tragedies reported in Swedish media, it is not surprising to hear the story of Turkey airlifting 47-year-old Turkish citizen Emrulah Guluksen out of Sweden, and back to Turkey for treatment of Covid-19........................Rigidly organised and harshly disciplined, the Georgian Royal Navy was an orderly and efficient fighting force which played a major role in Great Britain's wars of the 18th and early 19th centuries.
This concise book explores what it was like to be a sailor in the Georgian Navy - focusing on the period from 1714 to 1820, this book examines the Navy within its wider historical, national, organisational and military context, and reveals exactly what it took to survive a life in its service. It looks at how a seaman could join the Royal Navy, including the notorious 'press gangs'; what was meant by 'learning the ropes'; and the severe punishments that could be levied for even minor misdemeanours as a result of the Articles of War. Military tactics, including manning the guns and tactics for fending off pirates are also revealed, as is the problem of maintaining a healthy diet at sea - and the steps that sailors themselves could take to avoid the dreaded scurvy.
Covering other fascinating topics as wide-ranging as exploration, mutiny, storms, shipwrecks, and women on board ships, this 'Sailor's Guide' explores the lives of the Navy's officers and sailors, using extracts from contemporary documents and writings to reconstruct their experiences in vivid detail.
Τρίτη 12 Μαΐου 2020
A genuine progress indicator (GPI) is a metric used to measure the economic growth of a country. It is often considered an alternative metric to the more well known gross domestic product (GDP) economic indicator
Vilho Teofilus Muuriaisniemi. now the BBC writes about aleppo as if west didnt occupy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The northern Syrian city of Aleppo was caught in a brutal four-year deadlock.and the west only got interested WHEN it was freed
It was a key battleground in the war between forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and rebels who want to overthrow him.
.........WOULD BE FUNNY ...THIS VIRUS ESCAPED FROM USA AND PROVOKES COMMUNISM OT GROW IN ALL THE WORLD ö) https://twitter.com/SannaHellstrom/status/1261586774565978112
ερινος γιαννης
Είπαμε αυριο να πάμε για μπάνιο οικογενειακά χαλαρά... Μέχρι στιγμής έχουμε μαζευτεί 12 άτομα με καρέκλες τραπέζια ξαπλώστρες ομπρέλες ψησταριές...
Μόνο τον Χαρδαλιά δεν καλέσαμε

Κυριακή 10 Μαΐου 2020
Σάββατο 9 Μαΐου 2020
, they just gave me an oxygen mask first and that turned out to work. So, I ended up in an isolation room in the antechamber of the intensive care department. You’re tired, so you’re resigned to your fate. You completely surrender to the nursing staff. You live in a routine from syringe to infusion and you hope you make it. I am usually quite proactive in the way I operate, but here I was 100% patient.
I shared a room with a homeless person, a Colombian cleaner, and a man from Bangladesh—all three diabetics, incidentally, which is consistent with the known picture of the disease. The days and nights were lonely because no one had the energy to talk. I could only whisper for weeks; even now, my voice loses power in the evening. But I always had that question going around in my head: How will I be when I get out of this?
navirus, because if too many people refuse to join, we will never get the pandemic under control.
I hope this crisis will ease political tensions in a number of areas. It may be an illusion, but we have seen in the past that polio vaccination campaigns have led to truces. Likewise, I hope that the World Health Organization [WHO], which is doing a great job in the fight against COVID-19, can be reformed to make it less bureaucratic and less dependent on advisory committees in which individual countries primarily defend their own interests. WHO too often becomes a political playground.
Anyway, I remain a born optimist.

Πέμπτη 7 Μαΐου 2020
Ruotsi ei ole testein jäljittänyt koulujen vaikutusta tartuntojen leviämiseen. Nyt se alkaisikin olla vaikeaa, kun virus on laajalti levinnyt.
Παρασκευή 1 Μαΐου 2020
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