Some weeks ago the man had emptied the coins from his pocket on the table and the fox had a crush on them. It was picked käpälänsä less than beautiful kaksieuroisen and said that it wants to keep it. The man smiled and promised to fox, that it may be a coin, that it will receive its just his own. The fox smiled at the man ketusti.
Man to write stories every day and get advice ketulta that keeps käpäläänsä coins carefully on. Fox-man's comments are still being felt smarter. It is truly a man for help and appreciate more and more foxes. Tarinatkin are like real life.
One day while he emptied his pockets on the table and rojauttaa the bottom of the pocket all the coins accumulated approximately foxes. He weighs his thoughts against the emerging story and tap the keyboard at breakneck speed. The story of a man seestyessä waves against the ideas of returning to everyday life and take a look at his foxes, whose snout is ovelassa virneessä. Man looking at foxes, and note that it now has three for two euros käpälissään.
Male stretch their hands to move coins away from the fox's reach. Haukahtaa fox and asks innocently,
- Do you know which one is the one that already gave me?
Man looking fox perplexed and knows how to grin rising in his corner of mouth. He recognizes that none can know what is beautiful coins in my fox. He says he can not take any of them himself, because he promised to coin a fox, and he now knows what it is from those of the coins. The fox tilted his head and smiling, the man believes. It has put aside a coin and other coins to the man offers.
- You fox, "says the man. - I can no concerns about any of those, because I do not want to break the promise. Kettuna of honor you may lead me to repentance and live happily ever after. The easiest is when you keep them all to yourself.
Fox face tending a fox grin. It will organize the coins in a new way and encourage men to take a couple. The man does not consent, but dig a coin from your wallet one more fox delight, then requests from that whether it considers pörröhäntäiseltä haired critters magpie like to glossy coins.
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