Tampereen ja Porin, Loimaan ja Turun ja Karjaan ja Salon väliset rataosuudet ovat poissa käytöstä radalle kaatuneiden puiden vuoksi.ja mie oo menossa tenttii don mae fetish ov YourselvYhdysvaltojen Valkoisen talon edustaja vaati keskiviikkona Janukovytšia kuuntelemaan kansaa ja aloittamaan uudelleen Ukrainan yhdentymisen Euroopan kanssa.
The director of the Moscow-based institute, a hardened Russian spy Lieutenant-General Leonid Reshetnikov told Mr. Niemelainen that his agency, in addition to Russian gang embassy and Russian "cultural center", would monitor the situation with the NATO in Northern Europe. According to him, the Finnish affiliate of his institute is the springboard to Northern Europe.
"Despite some problems we have the best relations with Finland among other North European countries", explained the Russian spy why he chose Finland for North-European headquarters of his spy agency and added:
"We have very limited objective information on Finland. And not only on Finland. In general, we have enough information only on the US, and perhaps also on Germany and China. I hope that the situation will improve a bit through our center".
The report by Helsingin Sanomat, and earlier insider information caused enthusiasm among "Finnish anti-fascists", earlier called Finnish communists, since the new Russian spy Center promises them well-paid jobs with new opportunities.
As can be understood from an article on his Finnish blog, a year-long "friend of Russia", am unfrocked "anti-fascist" priest Juha Molari, who tracks the Kavkaz Center and Caucasian refugees in Helsinki, he and another better known "anti-fascist", Johan Backman, now offer their professional skills to the new Russian spy center.
Department of Monitoring
Kavkaz Center
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήit's virtually impossible to beat the averages without taking lots of risk.