The Situationist International (SI) was an international organization of social revolutionaries, the exclusive membership of which was made up of avant-garde artists, intellectuals, and political theorists, active from its formation in 1957 to its dissolution in 1972.[2]The situationists observed that the worker of advanced capitalism still only functions with the goal of survival. In a world where technological efficiency has increased production exponentially, by tenfold, the workers of society still dedicate the whole of their lives to survival, by way of production. The purpose for which advanced capitalism is organized isn't luxury, happiness, or freedom, but production. The production of commodities is an end to itself; and production by way of survival.
The theorists of the Situationist International regarded the current paradigm of work in advanced capitalist society as increasingly absurd. As technology progresses, and work becomes exponentially efficient, the work itself becomes exponentially more trivial. The spectacle's social function Under section 5 of the Companies Act 2006, new companies cannot be formed as a company limited by guarantee with a share capitalis the concrete manufacture of alienation. Economic expansion consists primarily of the expansion of this particular sector of industrial production. The "growth" generated by an economy developing for its own sake can be nothing other than a growth of the very alienation that was at its origin.Critical Mass has been described as "monthly political-protest rides", and characterized as being part of a social movement.[3] It has been described as a "monthly protest by cyclists reclaiming the streets."[4] Participants have insisted that these events should be viewed as "celebrations" and spontaneous gatherings, and not as protests or organized demonstrations.[5][6] This stance allows Critical Mass to argue a legal position that its events can occur without advance notification of local police.[7][8]
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLStratifikaatiolla tarkoitetaan sosiologiassa yhteiskunnallista kerrostuneisuutta, hierarkiaa, jossa joillakin yhteiskunnan jäsenillä on etuoikeutettu asema vallan ja vaurauden perusteella. Kerrostuneisuus esiintyy monissa eri muodoissa. Jotkin jaon perusteet ovat hyvin vanhoja, kuten Intian kastijärjestelmä tai säädyt Euroopassa, toiset ovat myöhempää perua, kuten käsite yhteiskuntaluokka, joka alkoi muotoutua vasta kapitalismin myötä.
Moderneissa länsimaisissa yhteiskunnissa kerrostuneisuutta määritellään yleensä tulotason perusteella. Esimerkiksi keskiluokalla tarkoitetaan yleensä hyvin toimeentulevia ihmisiä, jotka kokevat olonsa yhteiskunnassa taloudellisesti turvatuksi. Alaluokan ja yläluokan käsitteitä käytetään tavallisesti halventavassa merkityksessä. Kuitenkin tuloerojen kasvamisen myötä suomalaisessa luokkakeskustelussa on ryhdytty käyttämään termejä köyhät ja rikkaat niistä ihmisryhmistä, jotka eivät kuulu keskiluokkaan.[1]
Työväenluokka on historiallinen käsite, jolla viitataan alemman sosiaaliryhmän jäseniin, jotka tekevät fyysistä työtä. Nykyisin määritteleväksi stratifikaation piirteeksi on muotoutunut työn pysyvyys; prekariaatti-käsite kuvaa tilapäisissä tai epätyypillisissä työsuhteissa olevien ihmisten luokkaa.
Nykyisin yhteiskunnallista kerrostuneisuutta epätasa-arvoa pyritään selittämään erilaisten konfliktiteorioiden avulla.lllllllllllllllllllLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
a dérive is an unplanned journey through a landscape, usually urban, on which the subtle aesthetic contours of the surrounding architecture and geography subconsciously direct the travellers, with the ultimate goal of encountering an entirely new and authentic experience. Situationist theorist Guy Debord defines the dérive as "a mode of experimental behavior linked to the conditions of urban society: a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances." He also notes that "the term also designates a specific uninterrupted period of dériving."[1]
Figure 1-3. Cartoonist Robert Crumb predicted Twitter in the 1960slllllllll If so, we wanna show your work at the New Orleans Anarchist BookfairLLLClass conflict, frequently referred to as class warfare or class struggle, is the tension or antagonism which exists in society due to competing socioeconomic interests and desires between people of different classes.
Class conflict can take many different forms: direct violence, such as wars fought for resources and cheap labor; indirect violence, such as deaths from poverty, starvation, illness or unsafe working conditions; coercion, such as the threat of losing a job or pulling an important investment; or ideology, either intentionally (as with books and articles promoting capitalism) or unintentionally (as with the promotion of consumerism through advertising). Additionally, political forms of class conflict exist; legally or illegally lobbying or bribing government leaders for passage of partisan desirable legislation including labor laws, tax codes, consumer laws, acts of congress or other sanction, injunction or tariff. The conflict can be open, as with a lockout aimed at destroying a labor union, or hidden, as with an informal slowdown in production protesting low wages or unfair labor practices.LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
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