Τρίτη 6 Ιανουαρίου 2015


AΣτράτος Μωραΐτης  ‏@oemoral 2 t2 tuntia sitten Islamic depictions of Mohammed still not banned in #Turkey via @_dumrul_ http://www.zombietime.com/mohammed_image_archive/islamic_mo_full/ … ndré Rieu - Jingle Bells: http://youtu.be/AlFnQxZ0Mak Χαρούμενα Χριστούγεννα να έχουμε!Cartoonist Coco: (Gunmen) "they spoke perfectly French… They said they are al-Qaeda affiliated...I hid under a desk o French Islamic leaders at scene to condemn the attack. "They have hit us all. We are all victims. These people are a minority"bagladeshh.hasthe sameamountpeople as russiia with size of grece;αστυνομοκρατία στα Εξάρχεια istuin tänään kalliokirjastossa kyllä viihtynieio kaudheesti voimia vaaii 1000 vuotta mnimonio

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