All of this means that we're an exceptionally smug, insular country. "We'll muddle through, it'll be fine," can often be heard.All of this means that we're an exceptionally smug, insular country. "We'll muddle through, it'll be fine," can often be heard.It's not a majority of us really, it's just a very vocal, establishment-backing right wing who get far too much air-time.Eric Arthur Blair let the Zionist Cat out of the bag then died of TB - 1984
Most people in UK want a home and a family and to just get on with life without worrying about being sent off to die in a stupid war created by psychopathsCount me in, Halo. Tho no wonder. The idea of the anglo-saxon supremacy was being implanted in their heads for centuries. And the process still continues. But. The end of this supremacy is obvious to all who have clear brains left.

It's our Royals, committment to NATO and USA. Can't see it changing. This will never change.
Unfortunately. kortin sodan jälkeen kolmekymppisenä vähän ex tempore. Hänen työkaverinsa kertoi, että tytär pitäisi saada autokouluun.
– Ehdotin, että mennään töiden jälkeen kysymään, mitä se autokoulu maksaa. Seuraavana päivänä minut haettiin kotoa ensimmäiselle ajotunnilleni.
Ellin rakkaimmat autot ovat olleet Morris Mini ja sitä seurannut ”suurempi auto” Datsun 100A.
So I turn towards my kitchen and start cleaning up. Only the English & the mental unionists have that belief! Normal Scot’s & other celts have a more normal outlook and see us as equals to other nations 👍🏻

Secretly the Tory party and Republicans have done a deal, after brexit we become the USS Great Britain, USA's newest static aircraft carrier.
At least it's reality.
Good music, a beer or two.Imperial fantasies are still hardwired into the structure of the state and education system. I suspect it's also endemic in countries that have never 'lost' a major war, and been forced to confront the past.English elites have historically used violence to crush internal dissent and subjugate the other 'British Isles' nations. Mostly with impunity. This violence gave them wealth, empire, stagnation and the sense of misplaced invincibility that has stunted true English progress.

I met some lovely people after the gig in Killarney.We talked for ages,it was lovely.Some great fans of Boondocks Saints.In Killarney!,,
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Billy Connolly
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4 May 2013
I seem to have caused a little ripple on the Lakes of Killarney,by telling a photographer to get the Hell out of my eye line.No regrets.
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Billy Connolly
Verified account
1 May 2013
The gig I did tonight in Castlebar Co.Mayo,and the previous night in Galway,are the most satisfying gigs I have done in a long time.
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Billy Connolly
Verified account
14 Apr 2013
Meeting Seamus Heaney is weird. It feels like meeting William Wordsworth and Bob Dylan at Dinner. It's nice to meet someone older than me.
harvinainen aamu pitkästä aikaa heräsin ja tuntui terveeltä vaikka illalla tas päkipu. n lo ollut muitakin aamuja ilman selkäkipua esim.. naapuri yläkerrassa onneton,
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήWhat is there to do in Crieff?
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThings To Do & Days Out In Crieff
Caithness Glass & Crieff Visitor Centre. Crieff. ...
Do It Outdoors. Comrie. ...
Auchingarrich Wildlife Centre. Comrie. ...
10% off! Jump N Joy Trampoline Park. ...
Firpark Ski Centre. Tillicoultry. ...
The National Wallace Monument. Stirling. ...
Splash White Water Rafting. Aberfeldy. ...
Argaty Red Kites. Doune.
Barbara Carlson, 71, is believed to have died in the #CampFire with her sister Shirley Haley. They lived together with a dog called strawberry. Barbara’s family remembers her as a quiet bookworm who made the best Swedish pancakes
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήMum I don't think I want to go out there today
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήTänä aamuna, ihastelin elämää, kehuin vielä, hyvä poika,
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήolet osa minua! Nostin housut ja poistuin vessasta!
Siis, keskimmäinen poikakoira oli kyseessä!
Häneltä leikattiin eilen nukutuksessa, yksi varvas!
Enzo Ferrari, pohjois-ruotsin ihme! Siis elämä!