.the food waste is thrown in a forest for the fellows. yesterday a big beetroot was kind of shining on the green ..somebody came in night and clean
these small birds dont know the summer ll be soon over or then they know more then i
QWINTOFERPONT ROHONADOMONTE - If god is ghost as aum then all lives are gods. But we are attributing it usually to one entity collectivelly as cohesive glue for a faith and togetherness. From all to one and none. But many different divinities, gods, godesses, entities are in the civilistional experience. I am finally, eventually, ultimately and totally living one! How comes! 10 years ago I was simply working in the garden with the hoe and listening radio. They reported problems everywhere. I said: "What can I do to solve it?" With hoe not to much. I have to dispose with large budget.
Who can have such great budget to resolve all problems of the world? God? Yes, yes this is god's job! I threw the hoe away and went to be busy about the god's job. 10 months ago they impostered me this computer and I intensified my activities regarding the god's chores. When replacement for my position of the God comes then I shall take hoe and continue my work in the garden. You see, god is god. Bybybyby.1. elokuutaPoistaKumoa poistoIlmoita roskapostistaEi roskaposti
why i love americans 1 because the are practical
i donot idp not n fashioned girl
idp not
n yu like..gold? today had lot of Flowers chockolates and cakes for no reason. its starts to be cloudy ..i love the tillisilakka and crafted castello blue
sieniä eri jutuissa ja suomalaista kefiiriä
its lovely to live out of one country
kielletty traditionaalinen, saari