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One of the many friendly inhabitants of space. This guy just floats around all day; sometimes he has a hoagie roll with him. But he can't eat it in that helmet.
“Space, is big, really big. You wouldn't believe just how massively, mind-bogglingly big it is. Listen...”
~ Th
“In Space no one can hear you scream, unless you're with me.”
~ Oscar Wilde on Space
“Space is where important things such as wine, swallow nests and salted pig ears are placed!”
~ Flaturiticus, 1324 AD on Space
“In space, you have room.”
~ Captain Obvious on Space
“No you DON'T have room!!!”
~ Captain Denial on Space
“Can you tell me one more time what this quote is supposed to be about?”
~ Captain Oblivious on Space
Space was discovered in 1307 by a couch who was called Flaturiticus, who theorised that all things must have a space in which they reside. His theory has generally been accepted until very recent times - but it was finally discredited in the 1980's by the Council of Worshipful Couch Potatoes. In 2002, after a heated debate between several theoretical philosophy groups, it became clear the Council did not disagree with Flaturiticus about the principle of space, but only of the substances it should contain. The Council adamantly adhered (and continues to do so) to their more modern list of beer, chips and remote control. "We just want to be able to eat without moving away from the TV set", explained the spokesman of the Council in the famous 2003 press conference in Vienna. After the initial turmoil this incident caused in scientific circles, things returned back to normal. Space continues to be accepted as a place where things reside.
However the universe ends, it is commonly agreed by most sages, onions, priests, pontiffs, preachers, kooks, and other spiritual leaders that it will be very bad news for planet Earth. According to them, we should all prepare for the end by buying large numbers of religious books, such as the Bible, the Koran and Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus. These books will give us nightmares about the Apocalypse®©™ so frightening that we will flock to churches, cathedrals, temples, and other places of worship where we will throw large amounts of money, currency and valjuta into collection plates. We will also be invited to buy all the icons, religious medals, prayer books, holy water, and various other paraphernalia kindly manufactured by our religious organizations out of the kindness of their hearts - in order to prevent us from spending eternity in a place that will make the Apocalypse®©™ look like a junior high school choir rehearsal. The notable exception to this are the Rosalinaists. While they believe that the universe will end one day, they rest assured that their goddess Rosalina will pull a deus ex machina and repair the whole universe by sacrificing a bunch of Lumas. If their Holy Story is accurate, she may have done this a few times by now, which may explain why it's possible to lose one's keys while the universe changes.
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