i like Να έχεις μια όμορφη μέρα και να είσαι ζεστά ☺️you are going to meet.
Πέμπτη 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
Starting to suspect that this site has fostered some unhealthy social dynamics within the media class.
Suuret aineistot siirretään pankkien välillä öisin, jotta ne eivät rasita muita tietojärjestelmissä päivän aikana tapahtuvia tapahtumia, Finanssivalvonnan johtava riskiasiantuntija Anne Nisén sanoo.
Vaikka yöllä ruksuttavat järjestelmät ovatkin automaattisia, tarvitaan prosessissa ihmisen valvovaa silmää.
Πέμπτη 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
Τη περασμένη Πρωτοχρονιά κέρδισα το φλουρί. Για μένα τα πράγματα ήρθαν πολύ καλά. Για τον υπόλοιπο κόσμο βέβαια...Οπότε λέω να μη συμμετέχω καν αυτή τη φορά Kasvot onnenkyynelillä
I programmed a small device to be used in an IoT connected escape room for a course at my university. The device scanned different objects around the room, and then communicated different information to the user, or triggered different events in the room itself. The device was built on Arduino and Processing, and the API was built with OOCSI, an IoT framework built by/for the industrial design department at the TU/e. The main requirement for the device was a clear and concise API, as multiple other groups had to connect to the device to use it in the final project.
Τρίτη 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
key note speaker? You are not going with the flow. You are the flow. / Ph.D. in Philosophy / Poetess/ Lyricist.
nykyajan preachers .avantoni suureni melkein metrin pituiseksi sulan aikaa ja jäätyy taas.Tavallinen leski joka läski! Entinen hoitsu, nykyään IT-alan tunaroija. Omistaa idiootin koiran mutta rakastaa sitä paljon. Silleen kaksikielinenu valkeni varsin sateisena ja minun matematiikalla lämpötila oli alle 10 astetta. Yö oli taas mitä sattuu, itselle olisi kyllä uni maistunut, mutta jokainen valvoskeli ja kolisteli vuorotellen. Valpas vahtikoiramme teki hälytyksiä jatkuvasti ja kuuden jälkeen annoimme periksi ja julistimme aamun koittaneen.lllllllllllSylvi Kekkonen tyynnytteli miehensä kiukunpurkauksia ja sai tämän silottelemaan kirjoituksiaan, mutta toisaalta hänellä oli joskus hyvinkin kärkeviä mielipiteitä poliitikoista. Tamminiemen pesänjakajat -teoksessa todetaan, että Sylvi Kekkonen oli ainoa kriitikko, jota Urho Kekkonen kuunteli ja jonka mielipiteet hän otti huomioon.
42,300 results
Δευτέρα 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
Παρασκευή 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
Τετάρτη 26 Αυγούστου 2020
Τετάρτη 1 Ιουλίου 2020
all started in the Middle Ages, when parts of these lands were owned by the Dukes of Brabant and parts by the Lords of Breda, and later the House of Nassau. When Belgium and the Netherlands were formed, it became necessary to establish a border between the two countries. In Baarle, the demarcation was so confusing that a special border commission

Δευτέρα 29 Ιουνίου 2020
Around $24 billion of Venezuelan public money has been looted, and the Trump administration has used at least $601 million of it to construct a militarized wall on the US-Mexico border.
Παρασκευή 26 Ιουνίου 2020
folks - small confession - I hate social media algorithms. They promote only the most sensational. And that isn’t best. Oikealle osoittava nuoli So, I’m now giving out my special direct phone number for folks to SMS text me questions & to send out china special updates: +1 (703) 552-5771. ThreadKetju

Δευτέρα 22 Ιουνίου 2020
whys he so fullof positivity
the US never auntil now had war in china region so explain who is under it india klp. and the english 1600 killed all the millliom indiains.roger d).[2]
Shuler was arrested, charged with contempt of court (and also with resisting arrest; Shuler says he was beaten
Radio 4. CHINA With Mona Siddiqui, Andrew Doyle, Tim Stanley & Giles Fraser. #moralmaze

Πέμπτη 18 Ιουνίου 2020
Un temps chagrin Mi figue mi raisin Un peu orphelins de lumière vive Les prés couchés Attendent un rayon de chaleur Pour relever le défi D'un printemps fini L'été chatouille Le vent amer magouille Avec les nuages boursoufflés Vite la fête de l'été Kamera salamallaHaute Loire Paysanne
Taiteilija Bror Zetterborg valitsi 1950-luvun alussa ensimmäistä kertaa sympaattisen pandan erään Panda-Pop –suklaalevyn kääreeseen. Pian kaikkiin tuotepakkauksiin lisättiin panda ja koska asiakkaatkin pitivät siitä, otettiin se koko tehtaan nimeksi! Pandan makeisten kysyntä kasvoi myös ulkomailla. Hollannissa, Norjassa, Ruotsissa ja Itävallassa arvostettiin laadukasta suklaata ja pehmeää lakritsaa. sareinen

Κυριακή 14 Ιουνίου 2020
Saxicola rubicola spp.rubicola (Ευρωπαικός Μαυρολαίμης) European Stonechat Sigri Old Sanatorium, 07.06.2020
Πέργαμος εξωραΐζεται και περιμένει τουρίστες
14/06/2020 - 18:02Ενημερώθηκε 14/06/2020 - 18:14
Στρατής ΠόθαςΣτρατής Πόθας
Οι εξ ανατολών... γείτονες
Η αρχαία Πέργαμος που γνώρισε μεγάλη ακμή στα ελληνιστικά χρόνια βρισκόταν ανάμεσα στους δύο παραπόταμους του ποταμού Κάικου, του Σελινούντα και του Κητείου που σχημάτιζαν μια εύφορη κοιλάδα. Σήμερα τμήμα του Σελινούντα (Selinos kanal) όπως το αποκαλούν διέρχεται μέσα από τις αρχαιότητες και αποτελεί εστία σκουπιδιών και κάθε είδους περιβαλλοντικής όχλησης. Προς τούτο ο Δήμος Περγάμου υπέγραψε προγραμματική σύμβαση με τη Νομαρχία Σμύρνης για την ανάπλαση του χώρου και τη διευθέτηση του ρέματος ώστε να αποτελεί μέρος περιπάτου για τους κατοίκους και τους επισκέπτες. Ελπίζουν ότι γρήγορα θα αξιοποιηθεί το κέντρο της πόλης. Προσδοκώντας τους τουρίστες οι αρχές εναρμονισμένες στην εφαρμογή των μέτρων για τον κορονοϊό καθόρισαν για φέτος ταυτόχρονα στα μνημεία της πόλης 300 άτομα μάξιμουμ στην Ακρόπολη, 150 στο Ασκληπιείο, 80 στη Βασιλική του Αγ. Ιωάννη (Κιζίλ Αβλού) και 50 για το Μουσείο της Περγάμου. Εάν έχουν κοπεί υπεράριθμα εισιτήρια, θα περιμένουν για να τηρούνται τα μέτρα αποστάσεων.
Ανοίγουν δειλά-δειλά και στο Μοσχονήσι
Το «νησί» ή Cunda (Alibey), ένα από τα αγαπημένα τουριστικά σημεία της Τουρκίας, άρχισε να υποδέχεται επισκέπτες -εσωτερικός τουρισμός κυρίως- και μάλιστα αυτούς που διατηρούν εξοχικές κατοικίες εκεί, κάτοικοι της Πόλης και άλλων αστικών περιοχών.
Ο φίλος Ιμπραήμ Τσολάκ πρόεδρος των ξενοδόχων φιλοδοξεί και προσδοκά από την επόμενη βδομάδα να υποδεχθούν τους πρώτους πελάτες. Το ίδιο και η Emre Akyalı, πρόεδρος στο σύλλογο εστιατορίων και καφέ, εύχονται και ελπίζουν η άνοδος της θερμοκρασίας, ο περιορισμός των κρουσμάτων COVID-19 και η εφαρμογή των μέτρων προστασίας να φέρουν κόσμο και πελάτες! Βέβαια πολλοί ντόπιοι δεν κρύβουν την ανησυχία και τους φόβους για εξάπλωση της επιδημίας από τη μαζική έλευση και εγκατάσταση από τις μεγάλες πόλεις των ιδιοκτητών των εξοχικών κατοικιών στο Μοσχονήσι και το Αϊβαλί. Τώρα σε σχέση με τα δρομολόγια Μυτιλήνης-Αϊβαλί, όπως εκτιμούν αυτοί που ασχολούνται με τον τουρισμό, από 15 Ιουλίου
Παρασκευή 12 Ιουνίου 2020
e commercial use of exoskeletons in China began in the delivery industry. It helps to carry heavy loads and reduce damage to the lumbar spine during routine workTaputtavat kädet -mer
he is enemy of hthe Womeoon womeon women
are u enemy of the women. Misogyny manifests in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, disenfranchisement of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification...............[Update: A post on female misogynists is now available.]MISTÄ VALLANKUMOUS ALKOI. "=dollarisetelistä
The misogynists. You may have heard of them. But what you may not realize is that they can be anywhere around you. They are notoriously hard to spot. They do not come with a label attached, and they may even come across as pro-woman.
In most cases, misogynists do not even know that they hate women. Misogyny is typically an unconscious hatred that men form early in life, often as a result of a trauma involving a female figure they trusted. An abusive or negligent mother, sister, teacher or girlfriend can plant a seed deep down in their brain’s subcortical matter.
Once planted, this seed will germinate and begin to grow, the tiny root working its way into the fear processing and memory areas of the brain as its tiny stem works its way into frontal areas of the brain, affecting emotion and rational decision-making.
The first signs of misogyny are barely noticeable, but with additional exposure to neglect, abuse, or lack of treatment, this behavioral seeding will grow larger and more prominent. But even when the misogyny reaches maturity and the tendency toward acting with hatred toward women can no longer be controlled, the misogynist and the women around him will often fail to notice the condition until it’s too late.
The following traits are typical of the misogynist:
He will zero in on a woman and choose her as his target. Her natural defenses may be down because he’s flirtatious, exciting, fun, and charismatic at first.
As time goes on, he begins to reveal a Jekyll & Hyde personality. He may change quickly from irresistible to rude, and from rude back to irresistible.
He will make promises to women and often fail to keep them. With men, on the other hand, he will almost always keep his word.
He will be late for appointments and dates with women, but be quite punctual with men.
His behavior toward women in general is grandiose, cocky, controlling, and self-centered.
He is extremely competitive, especially with women. If a woman does better than him socially or professionally, he feels terrible. If a man does better, he may have mixed feelings about it but he is able to look at the situation objectively.
He will unknowingly treat women differently from men in workplace and social settings, allowing men various liberties for which he will criticize female colleagues or friends.
He will be prepared (unconsciously) to use anything within his power to make women feel miserable. He may demand sex or withhold sex in his relationships, make jokes about women or put them down in public, “borrow” their ideas in professional contexts without giving them credit, or borrow money from them without paying them back.
On a date, he will treat a woman the opposite of how she prefers. If she is an old-style lady who prefers a "gentleman" who holds the door for her, orders for both and pays for the meal, he will treat her like one of his male buddies, order for himself, and let her pay for the whole meal if she offers (and sometimes even if she doesn’t). If she is a more independent type who prefers to order her own meal and pay for herself, he will rudely order for both and pay the check while she goes to the bathroom.
Sexually, he likes to control women and gives little or no attention to their sexual pleasure. Foreplay, if it occurs at all, is only a necessary means to an end. He likes oral sex but only as a recipient. His favorite positions enable him to avoid looking the woman in her eyes.
He will cheat on women he is dating or in a relationship with. Monogamy is the last thing he feels he owes a woman.
He may suddenly disappear from a relationship without ending it, but may come back three months later with an explanation designed to lure the woman back in.
Only rarely will a misogynist possess every one of these traits, which makes it harder to identify them. Their ability to lure women in with their charm and charisma adds to the difficulty of spotting the early-warning signs.
Women haters (unconsciously) get off on treating women badly. Every time they can put down a woman or hurt her feelings, they unconsciously feel good because deep down in their hidden brain, their bad behavior is rewarded with a dose of the pleasure chemical dopamine—which makes them want to repeat the behavior again and again.

Κυριακή 7 Ιουνίου 2020
keskustan metsisssä bysitter vol.2 @frozen_mar_d · 21t με πήραν στην δουλειά Hymyilevät kasvot hymyilevillä silmilläHymyilevät kasvot hymyilevillä silmilläHymyilevät kasvot hymyilevillä silmillä ξέρω στα παπάρια σας αλλά εγώ χάρηκα Hymyilevät kasvot
The original tweet just spots a single submarine in bosphorus.. so take it with a pinch of salt. Might very well be regular movement.Toisin kuin Syyriassa vuodesta 2011, Turkki on Libyassa sen virallisemman hallituksen puolella, ja siis laillisemmin alueella, Ranska taas Libyassa mm. Venäjän kanssa tukee Haftaria.samalla lailla usa kiusaa rasistisesti kaikkia muita valtioita kuin sen poliisi omia kansalaisiaa
military strength than the next ten countries.
Don’t forget the tear gas, bullets, armor, and training is paid for by our tax money.Misogyny is everywhere. Or at least “misogyny” is everywhere. The word, which conventionally means hatred of women, was once a radical accusation. But recently, it seems to have eclipsed the gentler “sexism” and “chauvinism” in popular use. It’s now unremarkable to find “misogyny” in a headline, much less a tweet.
On one end of the spectrum, the term is used to describe societal inequity, evidenced by things such as the gendered wage gap in the United States, the difficulties women have in finding adequate medical care and the career-destroying prerogatives of men like Les Moonves.
“Unfortunately, violent misogyny is nothing new in politics,” ran a 2018 CNN headline. “Women’s self-harm is being fueled by misogyny,” read a Guardian story last August. A New York Times Op-Ed from December explored “The Special Misogyny Reserved for Mothers.” Kim Schrier, a pediatrician running for Congress (now a Democratic congresswoman), flatly called Donald Trump “misogynist in chief” in a tweet last year.
A look at archival photographs, including those from The New York Times, shows how, as the term came into popular use, misogyny has also been a part of our visual landscape, from headline news to everyday experience.
But like so much of our current discourse, the word’s resonance drifts between the weighty and the meme-ified. One report indicated that a mongoose in Kenya might be a misogynist. “Chill with that misogyny,” reads a T-shirt available to buy on Etsy. And don’t forget the mug that features a whimsical-but-woke shark saying “I’m fin-ished with misogyny.”
Disdain for women, it is sometimes argued, is also the reason certain corners of pop culture are dismissed. “Has Internalized Misogyny Kept Me From Reading Romance Novels My Whole Life?” one writer asked. Hating the Kardashians has also been read as anti-woman, because in so doing we reduce the celebrity sisters to mere stereotypes. In the nesting-doll logic of the moment, disparaging any woman’s respite from misogyny — whether it’s reality TV, a self-care beauty regimen or astrology — is itself misogynist.
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So, misogyny is having a moment, in more ways than one, but it also has a long history.

Τρίτη 2 Ιουνίου 2020
Το όνομα του δέντρου είναι Τζακάραντα (πολύ εξωτικό!). Στη γλώσσα των Γκουαρανί, ιθαγενών της Αργεντινής, της Βραζιλίας, της Βολιβίας και της Παραγουάης από όπου κατάγεται, σημαίνει «αρωματικό». Πηγή:
too fucking LATE
These cops need to face the same system, the same treatment faced by the community they abused.I know of someone who spend years in the military. After leaving, the lack of adrenaline was causing suicidal thoughts. His solution was to join the police force. Almost 1 out of 5 persons in the police force is likely looking for the adrenaline rush
peruttuja 14.6 Helsinki–Jyväskylä–Pieksämäki
S 87 Helsinki–Jyväskylä klo 14:03–17:41
S 88 Jyväskylä–Helsinki klo 18:14–21:54
IC 93 Helsinki–Jyväskylä klo 9:03–12:39
IC 86 Jyväskylä–Helsinki klo 14:23–17:54
S 81 Helsinki–Jyväskylä klo 5:03–8:40
IC 94 Jyväskylä–Helsinki klo 10:17–13:54 Peruttu ma–pe
IC/S 155 Helsinki–Pieksämäki klo 7:03–11:28 Peruttu su
S 94 Jyväskylä–Helsinki klo 10:17–13:54
S 143 Helsinki–Pieksämäki klo 10:24 –14:30 Peruttu ma–la
S 89 Tampere–Jyväskylä klo 20:07 –21:35
S 89 Tampere–Kuopio klo 20:07–23:15
IC/S 149 Helsinki–Jyväskylä klo 19:03–22:40 Peruttu la
S 91 Tampere–Jyväskylä klo 23:59–01:40
S/IC 150 Jyväskylä–Tampere klo 7:20–8:49 Ajetaan vain la
IC/S 144 Pieksämäki–Helsinki klo 12:27–16:54
S 152 Kuopio–Tampere klo 19:22–22:48 Customers at McSorley’s Old Ale House jeer at Lucy Komisar, who was among the first women to drink at the pub after the city passed a new anti-discrimination law. Prior to this, McSorley’s, which opened in 1854, had not admitted women. A waiter initially tried to bar Komisar's entry; once she was inside, some customers booed her, and another dumped a beer on her head. August 10, 1970.
Customers at McSorley’s Old Ale House jeer at Lucy Komisar, who was among the first women to drink at the pub after the city passed a new anti-discrimination law. Prior to this, McSorley’s, which opened in 1854, had not admitted women. A waiter initially tried to bar Komisar's entry; once she was inside, some customers booed her, and another dumped a beer on her head. August 10, 1970.Credit...Barton Silverman/The New York Times
What Does Misogyny Look Like?
A brief history of the #MeToo moment’s touchstone term.
Customers at McSorley’s Old Ale House jeer at Lucy Komisar, who was among the first women to drink at the pub after the city passed a new anti-discrimination law. Prior to this, McSorley’s, which opened in 1854, had not admitted women. A waiter initially tried to bar Komisar's entry; once she was inside, some customers booed her, and another dumped a beer on her head. August 10, 1970.Credit...Barton Silverman/The New York Times
By Nina Renata Aron
March 8, 2019
Misogyny is everywhere. Or at least “misogyny” is everywhere. The word, which conventionally means hatred of women, was once a radical accusation. But recently, it seems to have eclipsed the gentler “sexism” and “chauvinism” in popular use. It’s now unremarkable to find “misogyny” in a headline, much less a tweet.
On one end of the spectrum, the term is used to describe societal inequity, evidenced by things such as the gendered wage gap in the United States, the difficulties women have in finding adequate medical care and the career-destroying prerogatives of men like Les Moonves.
“Unfortunately, violent misogyny is nothing new in politics,” ran a 2018 CNN headline. “Women’s self-harm is being fueled by misogyny,” read a Guardian story last August. A New York Times Op-Ed from December explored “The Special Misogyny Reserved for Mothers.” Kim Schrier, a pediatrician running for Congress (now a Democratic congresswoman), flatly called Donald Trump “misogynist in chief” in a tweet last year.
A look at archival photographs, including those from The New York Times, shows how, as the term came into popular use, misogyny has also been a part of our visual landscape, from headline news to everyday experience.
But like so much of our current discourse, the word’s resonance drifts between the weighty and the meme-ified. One report indicated that a mongoose in Kenya might be a misogynist. “Chill with that misogyny,” reads a T-shirt available to buy on Etsy. And don’t forget the mug that features a whimsical-but-woke shark saying “I’m fin-ished with misogyny.”
Disdain for women, it is sometimes argued, is also the reason certain corners of pop culture are dismissed. “Has Internalized Misogyny Kept Me From Reading Romance Novels My Whole Life?” one writer asked. Hating the Kardashians has also been read as anti-woman, because in so doing we reduce the celebrity sisters to mere stereotypes. In the nesting-doll logic of the moment, disparaging any woman’s respite from misogyny — whether it’s reality TV, a self-care beauty regimen or astrology — is itself misogynist.
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So, misogyny is having a moment, in more ways than one, but it also has a long history.
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ImageA strip club and pornography store near Times Square. May 11, 1978.
A strip club and pornography store near Times Square. May 11, 1978.Credit...Marilynn K. Yee/The New York Times
The term emerged in the 17th century, in response to an anti-woman pamphlet written by an English fencing master named Joseph Swetnam. The 1615 tract, titled in part “The arraignment of lewd, idle, froward and unconstant women” (froward meant disobedient), was published amid early modern anxiety and debate about women’s place in society. Basically a compendium of sexist jokes, the dyspeptic work was aimed at an audience of “the ordinary set of giddy-headed young men,” and it was very popular.
“Women are crooked by nature,” Swetnam wrote, sounding like a proto-incel. To him even “the fairest woman has some filthiness in her.” Going all the way back to Eve, womankind was “no sooner made but straightway her mind was set upon mischief, for by her aspiring mind and wanton will she quickly procured man’s fall, and therefore ever since they are and have been a woe unto man, and follow the line of their first leader.” They were like pumice stones because their hearts were filled with holes, he wrote, like painted ships because they looked pretty but contained only lead. Not surprisingly, the pamphlet drew several published responses from women. In one, an anonymously written feminist play called “Swetnam the Woman-Hater, Arraigned By Women,” the character standing in for Swetnam was named Misogynos.
Misogyny was little used for the next few centuries, but its popularity skyrocketed in the mid-1970s, more or less entering the lexicon of second-wave feminism with Andrea Dworkin’s 1974 critique “Woman Hating.” In the book, Dworkin argues that a deep, ingrained prejudice against women informs aspects of society from legislation to cohabitation. As she summed it up two years later, “As women we live in the midst of a society that regards us as contemptible. We are despised … We are the victims of continuous, malevolent, and sanctioned violence against us.” (An idea familiar to women like Kathrine Switzer, pictured below, who was famously harassed as she became one of the first women to run the Boston Marathon in 1967.)
In the 1980s and ’90s, reading Dworkin became for many a discomfiting and exhilarating collegiate rite of passage. Her writing is a strident and raw look at the systemic bias affecting the everyday experiences of women. Was there actual hatred lurking beneath every meeting with your boss or commanding officer, every date, sermon, novel, TV commercial? Yes, Dworkin insisted. At the time, this was a radical idea — and to many it still is.
Jock Semple, a Boston Marathon official, tried to forcibly remove Kathrine Switzer from the course. Switzer completed the marathon, but it wasn't until 1972 that women were were officially allowed to participate. April 19, 1967.
Jock Semple, a Boston Marathon official, tried to forcibly remove Kathrine Switzer from the course. Switzer completed the marathon, but it wasn't until 1972 that women were were officially allowed to participate. April 19, 1967.Credit...Paul Connell/The Boston Globe, via Getty Images
This understanding of misogyny became a commonly held idea among feminists: the issue was structural. Society was organized in a misogynistic way, even if its individual members didn’t see themselves as woman-haters. As the writer and activist Audre Lorde wrote in 1980, there is a “piece of the oppressor which is planted deep within each of us.” Susan Faludi, author of the 1991 book “Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women,” echoed this idea, arguing that efforts against equality “are encoded and internalized, diffuse and chameleonic.”
Much like “racist” — which was once mostly used to describe certain sheriffs, politicians or neighbors — misogynist is now as often applied to the system of institutions that creates an unequal America as it is to individuals. In this broadened meaning, happily married men, men with daughters and women themselves can be implicated. The way the word is now used, you don’t have to hate women to be a misogynist, despite what Webster’s dictionary still says today.
But can that one word do all this work? Can it describe some of the worst, most violent impulses in our world and everyday acts of gender bias? Should we use the same term to describe marital rape and the dearth of strong female leads on TV? It turns out, it already is, and we already are.
Some dictionaries have taken note. William Safire, the New York Times columnist who wrote for decades about the texture of our language, noted in 2008 that the Oxford English Dictionary had expanded its definition by 2002 to include “prejudice against women.” “Sexist and misogynist are now in some respects synonymous,” he wrote. “Because sexist has been so widely used, apparently misogynist — in the same sense of ‘prejudice’ rather than ‘hatred’ — now carries more force with those who are familiar with the word.”
Clockwise from top left: Serena Williams at the U.S. Open, Sept. 8, 2018; Ana Maria Archila confronts Senator Jeff Flake, Sept. 28, 2018; Anita Hill at a news conference, Oct. 7, 1991; Representative Pat Schroeder announcing she would not seek the Democratic presidential nomination, Sept. 28, 1987.
Clockwise from top left: Serena Williams at the U.S. Open, Sept. 8, 2018; Ana Maria Archila confronts Senator Jeff Flake, Sept. 28, 2018; Anita Hill at a news conference, Oct. 7, 1991; Representative Pat Schroeder announcing she would not seek the Democratic presidential nomination, Sept. 28, 1987.Credit...Clockwise from top left: Elsa/Getty Images; Jim Lo Scalzo, via EPA-EFE, via Shutterstock; Scott Andersen, via Associated Press; Aaron E. Tomlinson, via Associated Press.
The word used to be a strong, personal indictment, ugly as it hit the ears. Now, it’s less harsh to hear. But paradoxically, even as the term becomes more commonplace, it has grown more trenchant. It captures the cognitive dissonance of our moment, in which women are seemingly reviled and revered, running for president and still fighting for paid maternity leave.
This roominess feels appropriate to the time, since Dworkin’s notion of misogyny, once thought radical, has become far more widely accepted.
Consider this Dworkin quote from 1997: “Women are perceived to be appalling failures when we are sad. Women are pathetic when we are angry. Women are ridiculous when we are militant. Women are unpleasant when we are bitter, no matter what the cause. Women are deranged when women want justice. Women are man-haters when women want accountability and respect from men.”
That sounds a lot like a recent Nike ad that aired during the Oscars, to a warm reception on social media. “If we show emotions, we’re called dramatic,” the voice over by Serena Williams goes. “If we want to play against men, we’re nuts. And if we dream of equal opportunity, delusional. When we stand for something, we’re unhinged. When we’re too good, there’s something wrong with us. And if we get angry, we’re hysterical, irrational or just being crazy.”
Nina Renata Aron is a writer living in Oakland, Calif. She is writing a book about addiction and love.

Δευτέρα 1 Ιουνίου 2020
make sure to grab all the minutes from the antifa breakfast meetings and screenshot the zoom "team bonding" escape room exercises. Do not hurt antifa HR, she has been great with everybody.
Κυριακή 31 Μαΐου 2020
Πέμπτη 28 Μαΐου 2020
Taiwan ei ole vielä minusta de jure itsenäinen valtio, siis siinä mielessä, että sitä ei ole monikaan tunnustanut.
Enrico Ivanov Ortodoksinen risti
I believe #CIA might not renew the contract of Joshua Wanker, #China's new National Security Law forbids illegal activities (like promoting separatism) sponsored by foreign governments in #HongKong.
-Qatar and Saudi Arabia to pay billions of dollars to the 6th fleet to defect.
-The entire world sanctions America
- Russia and China take over Oil fields in Texas.

Τετάρτη 20 Μαΐου 2020
Liia kaunist
Why is Venezuela's oil production declining?TAMPERELAISPERHE halusi kovasti tavata Pohjanmaalla asuvat isovanhemmat. Perheellä on vuoden ikäinen lapsi, joten lapsenlapsen kipuaminen isovanhempien syliin tuntui tärkeältä.
Yli 70-vuotiaat ovat kuitenkin koronaviruksen riskiryhmää, ja heidän tapaamisiaan oli kehotettu välttämään.
Perheen ratkaisu oli omaehtoinen karanteeni. Perhe vietti kaksi viikkoa omissa oloissa kotona etätöissä ja lasta hoitaen. He tilasivat elintarvikkeet verkkokaupasta, ja toimitukset jätettiin oven ulkopuolelle.
Vastaavasti isovanhemmat pysyivät kaksi viikkoa omissa oloissaan ja pitivät kontaktinsa minimissä.
Kahden viikon jälkeen perhe matkusti autolla mummolaan.
ANTAAKO omaehtoinen karanteeni mahdollisuuden normaaliin kanssakäymiseen isovanhempien kanssa?
Venezuelan crude oil production falls to lowest level since January 2003. ... Widespread power outages, and U.S. sanctions directed at Venezuela's energy sector and PdVSA have all contributed to the recent declines.May 20, 2019
Σάββατο 16 Μαΐου 2020
what they have TO offer
Operation Barbarossa (German: Unternehmen Barbarossa) was the code name for the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union, which started on Sunday, 22 June 1941,pediafi.wikipedia.org › wiki › Jatkosota
Translate this page
Jatkosota käytiin Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton välillä 25. kesäkuuta 1941 – 19. syyskuuta 1944 .................. was denied respiratory care {13} despite available ICU beds outside Stockholm. With such tragedies reported in Swedish media, it is not surprising to hear the story of Turkey airlifting 47-year-old Turkish citizen Emrulah Guluksen out of Sweden, and back to Turkey for treatment of Covid-19........................Rigidly organised and harshly disciplined, the Georgian Royal Navy was an orderly and efficient fighting force which played a major role in Great Britain's wars of the 18th and early 19th centuries.
This concise book explores what it was like to be a sailor in the Georgian Navy - focusing on the period from 1714 to 1820, this book examines the Navy within its wider historical, national, organisational and military context, and reveals exactly what it took to survive a life in its service. It looks at how a seaman could join the Royal Navy, including the notorious 'press gangs'; what was meant by 'learning the ropes'; and the severe punishments that could be levied for even minor misdemeanours as a result of the Articles of War. Military tactics, including manning the guns and tactics for fending off pirates are also revealed, as is the problem of maintaining a healthy diet at sea - and the steps that sailors themselves could take to avoid the dreaded scurvy.
Covering other fascinating topics as wide-ranging as exploration, mutiny, storms, shipwrecks, and women on board ships, this 'Sailor's Guide' explores the lives of the Navy's officers and sailors, using extracts from contemporary documents and writings to reconstruct their experiences in vivid detail.
Τρίτη 12 Μαΐου 2020
A genuine progress indicator (GPI) is a metric used to measure the economic growth of a country. It is often considered an alternative metric to the more well known gross domestic product (GDP) economic indicator
Vilho Teofilus Muuriaisniemi. now the BBC writes about aleppo as if west didnt occupy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The northern Syrian city of Aleppo was caught in a brutal four-year deadlock.and the west only got interested WHEN it was freed
It was a key battleground in the war between forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and rebels who want to overthrow him.
.........WOULD BE FUNNY ...THIS VIRUS ESCAPED FROM USA AND PROVOKES COMMUNISM OT GROW IN ALL THE WORLD ö) https://twitter.com/SannaHellstrom/status/1261586774565978112
ερινος γιαννης
Είπαμε αυριο να πάμε για μπάνιο οικογενειακά χαλαρά... Μέχρι στιγμής έχουμε μαζευτεί 12 άτομα με καρέκλες τραπέζια ξαπλώστρες ομπρέλες ψησταριές...
Μόνο τον Χαρδαλιά δεν καλέσαμε

Κυριακή 10 Μαΐου 2020
Σάββατο 9 Μαΐου 2020
, they just gave me an oxygen mask first and that turned out to work. So, I ended up in an isolation room in the antechamber of the intensive care department. You’re tired, so you’re resigned to your fate. You completely surrender to the nursing staff. You live in a routine from syringe to infusion and you hope you make it. I am usually quite proactive in the way I operate, but here I was 100% patient.
I shared a room with a homeless person, a Colombian cleaner, and a man from Bangladesh—all three diabetics, incidentally, which is consistent with the known picture of the disease. The days and nights were lonely because no one had the energy to talk. I could only whisper for weeks; even now, my voice loses power in the evening. But I always had that question going around in my head: How will I be when I get out of this?
navirus, because if too many people refuse to join, we will never get the pandemic under control.
I hope this crisis will ease political tensions in a number of areas. It may be an illusion, but we have seen in the past that polio vaccination campaigns have led to truces. Likewise, I hope that the World Health Organization [WHO], which is doing a great job in the fight against COVID-19, can be reformed to make it less bureaucratic and less dependent on advisory committees in which individual countries primarily defend their own interests. WHO too often becomes a political playground.
Anyway, I remain a born optimist.

Πέμπτη 7 Μαΐου 2020
Ruotsi ei ole testein jäljittänyt koulujen vaikutusta tartuntojen leviämiseen. Nyt se alkaisikin olla vaikeaa, kun virus on laajalti levinnyt.
Παρασκευή 1 Μαΐου 2020
Τετάρτη 29 Απριλίου 2020
Κάλυψα την κάμερα του λαπτοπ να μη με βλεπουν οι χακερς του εφ πι αη να μασουλάω τα συκα σαν γελαδι
https://twitter.com/Daisygraceful/status/1255478979705831432/photo/1 94 lady https://www.cafr.ebay.ca/itm/CARMOLIS-Drops-Relieves-Nose-Throat-Aids-Digestion-Nerves-10-Alpine-herbs-80ml-/272876605021
Σάββατο 25 Απριλίου 2020
I always stop for roadside attractions! Do you? the men,want war
Durumvehnä, makaronivehnä, kovavehnä eli lasivehnä[1] (Triticum durum) on vehnien sukuun kuuluva viljalaji. Sitä viljellään etupäässä Välimeren maissa ja käytetään makaronin ja muiden pastojen valmistukseen. Maailman vehnäsadosta durumvehnää on noin 10 prosenttia.[2]
Durumvehnä on läheistä sukua emmervehnälle, jonka alalajinakin (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum) sitä on toisinaan pidetty.[2] Emmervehnän tavoin durumvehnäkin on tetraploidinen, ja sillä on 28 kromosomia, kun taas eniten viljelty vehnälaji, leipävehnä on heksaploidinen ja sillä on 42 kromosomia.[2] Emmervehnästä poiketen durumvehnä on kuitenkin paljasjyväinen, eli sen jyvä irtoaa helposti sitä suojaavista helpeistä ja tähkylää suojaavista kaleista, mikä seikka huomattavasti helpottaa sadonkorjuuta.[2]
Durumvehnä vaatii runsaasti lämpöä, ja sitä viljellään kevät- ja syysviljana.[2][3]
https://twitter.com/Linagreek/status/1190353831927930881 adon

Τετάρτη 22 Απριλίου 2020
-Αγάπη μου θα βάλεις καμιά καλή ταινία σήμερα να δούμε; -Ναι αμέ. Έχω ένα θρίλερ.. -Α ωραία, ποιο;; -Το βίντεο του γάμου μας!
https://sententiaeantiquae.com/2020/04/22/reading-greek-tragedies-online-euripides-iphigenia-at-aulis/ ,,, https://www.google.com/maps/place/St.+Conan%E2%80%99s+Kirk/@56.3923032,-5.0740963,14.24z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x941ade6b3081563c!8m2!3d56.3953084!4d-5.0541029
ikko Heikkilä
23. huhtik.
Aamulla hypätään bussiin ukrainalaisten kanssa. Niillä on tällä hetkellä lento Minskiin, mutta ei muuta tietoa. Ilmeisesti rajan yli pitää kävellä.

Σάββατο 11 Απριλίου 2020
.my first question is whether you have spent memorable nights (or days) sleeping out, under canvas or under a sky "as bland as silk"? If so: where, when, what happened that has stayed with you since & what do you recognise in Nan's descriptions of "nights out of doors"?
https://twitter.com/TomLondon6/status/1248689030553894912 uk Finding the Index Case, Patient Zero, of an epidemic is critical to understanding and curbing further transmission. Dating its first appearance, sequencing its genomes, following the changes in its genetic structure, and finding the root of its genetic family tree help estimate the epidemic’s scale and scope of transmission, find intermediate hosts, understand how spreading took place and curb future transmission by focusing resources to contain it. Since genetic sequencing data can only come from those who are diagnosed, health workers still rely on contact tracing to find people whose infections have gone undetected. Once a patient is diagnosed, their primary contacts must be located and questioned about relevant symptoms and, if any of those contacts themselves fall ill, they trigger a second layer of contact tracing and the workload grows exponentially. Covid-19’s long incubation and asymptomatic transmission can make the search herculean: Indian health officials contacted 2,666 people after the first case was confirmed in Karnataka.

Δευτέρα 6 Απριλίου 2020
– 1990-luvun Kuubassa ruoka oli kortilla. Olosuhteiden pakosta ihmiset liikkuivat enemmän ja söivät tavallista vähemmän. Myöhempien tutkimusten valossa huomattiin, että tähän ihmiskokeeseen tahtomattaan joutuneilla ilmeni laihtumisen ohella keskimääräistä vähemmän sydän- ja verisuonitautia ja diabetesta, jotka altistavat ennenaikaiselle kuoleman lisäksi mm. dementoiville muistisairauksille.
– 1990-luvun Kuubassa ruoka oli kortilla. Olosuhteiden pakosta ihmiset liikkuivat enemmän ja söivät tavallista vähemmän. Myöhempien tutkimusten valossa huomattiin, että tähän ihmiskokeeseen tahtomattaan joutuneilla ilmeni laihtumisen ohella keskimääräistä vähemmän sydän- ja verisuonitautia ja diabetesta, jotka altistavat ennenaikaiselle kuoleman lisäksi mm. dementoiville muistisairauksille.

Τετάρτη 1 Απριλίου 2020
nuoripari kävelee reippahkosti hesarilla molemmat lukee sarjakuvakirjaa
alkulähteenä on ollut turkiksensa takia metsästetty siperianmurmeli (tarbagani). Aika ajoin tauti on siirtynyt metsästäjiin ja levinnyt edelleen. Jo aikaisessa vaiheessa huomattiin, että rutto levisi paikkakunnalta toiselle suuria kulkureittejä myöten, ensin satamakaupunkeihin ja niistä sisämaahan. Tähän toteamukseen perustuivat osittain myös ne keinot, joilla Turussa voitiin torjua taudin etenemistä. Viranomaiset tekivät kaikkensa, että vuonna 1657 Turkuun levinneen ruttoepidemian vaikutukset olisivat jääneet mahdollisimman rajatulle alueelle ja vähäisiksi. Vuoden 1657 rutto ei ollut ankarimpia niistä epidemioista, jotka ennättivät koetella kaupunkia ennen kuin tauti katosi Pohjolasta. Esimerkiksi vuosien 1710─11 epidemian laskettiin tappaneen Turun 6 700 asukkaasta noin kaksituhatta. Yleensä epidemiasta mainittiin vain uhrit, eikä taudin torjumiskeinoja kirjattu tarkkaan. Siksi vuoden 1657 rutto on harvinainen, sillä sitä vastaan taistelusta on asiakirjamerkintöjä.
Missä olit viime tiistaina? Kenen kanssa lounastit torstaina? Ajoitko taksilla, käytitkö bussia? Kun menit portaat alas, käännyitkö oikealle vai vasemmalle?

Τρίτη 31 Μαρτίου 2020
Δευτέρα 30 Μαρτίου 2020
alkanut tulla puheluita ihmisiltä, jotka ovat kodeissaan, joissa on tunnelma alkanut kiristyä, mutta pois ei pääse. On myös vanhempia, joille on jäänyt huoli Uudellamaalla asuvista aikuisista lapsistaan, jotka ovat saattaneet kohdata lähisuhdeväkivaltaa,
Pääministerin vastaus tasavallan presidentin kirjeeseen 26.3.2020
Valtioneuvoston viestintäosasto 30.3.2020 17.37
Esitettyjen tietopyyntöjen johdosta julkaisemme pääministeri Sanna Marinin vastauksen tasavallan presidentti Sauli Niinistön torstaina 26. maaliskuuta 2020 lähettämään viestiin.
Viisikko on keskustellut asiasta, jonka jälkeen siitä on keskustellut koko hallitus tänään. Erillistä nykyisen hallinnon ulkopuolista kriisijohtoryhmää ei perusteta. Sen sijaan nykyistä johtamismallia vahvistetaan paremmin poikkeuksellista tilannetta vastaavaksi.
Arvoisa Tasavallan presidentti,
Kiitän teitä viestistänne ja tähän mennessä tehdystä yhteistyöstä korona-virusepidemian hillitsemiseksi. Kiitän teitä myös siitä, että olette omalla toiminnallanne ja puheenvuoroillanne kansalaisten suuntaan tukenut työtä kansalaisten terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin turvaamiseksi.
Olette oikeassa siinä, että tarvitsemme ennakoivaa valmistelua. Päätösten on tärkeä perustua virkavastuulla valmistelluille esityksille, joiden tukena on kattava tilannekuva ja operatiivinen ennakointikyky. Samalla vastuusuhteiden tulee säilyä selkeinä, niin valtioneuvoston vastuun kuin yksittäisen valmistelijan virkavastuunkin. Vastuiden selkeys on oleellista myös ulospäin kun kriisi korostaa tarvetta viestiä suomalaisille tilanteesta. Otan hallituksen puolesta harkintaani tekemänne ehdotuksen kriisiryhmästä. Keskustelemme asiasta valtioneuvoston jäsenten kesken.
Sanna Marin
* Uutiseen lisätty 30.3. klo 17.50 toinen kappale, jossa kerrotaan hallituksen keskustelusta.
Κυριακή 15 Μαρτίου 2020
Pohjolan liittovaltio voisi kukoistaa vuonna 2070 pki perheille, joilla ei ole muita auttamistahoja.
Seurakunnan työntekijä voi toimittaa asiakkaalle hänen itsensä tilaamat ja maksamat ostokset kaupasta tai apteekista.
Palvelun voi tilata ma-pe klo 9-11 puhelimitse numerosta 0447372219.savossa
Palvelu on maksuton. .............. ..........Δημοσίευμα της Daily Telegraph επαινεί τους Έλληνες για τη στάση που έχουν επιδείξει απέναντι στα μέτρα για την καταπολέμηση της εξάπλωσης του κορωνοϊού,
Πηγή: iefimerida.gr - https://www.iefimerida.gr/ellada/daily-telegraph-koronoios-paradeigma-symperifora-ellinon
Παρασκευή 13 Μαρτίου 2020
The city suffered for 9 years from: - Sanctions - Global Jihadist occupation - Foreign Invasions - Besiegement All crimes were committed, endorsed or backed by the UK, their allies and proxies to “save” the Syrians from their “bad” government.
Who ordered Marielle Franco's murder . ?Ranskan terveysministeri Olivier Véran varoittaa, että tulehdusta lievittävät lääkkeet kuten kortisoni ja ibuprofeiini saattavat pahentaa koronavirusta. Ministeri suosittaa lääkitsemään kuumetta ja muita oireita parasetamolilla.
Lauttasaari eloonjäämismoodissa: Yhdet juovat ulkona kuohuviiniä, toiset kalastavat siikaa, kolmannet ovat eväsretkellä. Itse rakennamme rannalle majaa. Harrastukset on peruttu, elämistä ei. #korona https://twitter.com/arnkil/status/1242791459574743040 sarja haha

Τετάρτη 11 Μαρτίου 2020
aalan Ullevålin tehohoito-osaston päällikkö Dag Jacobsen sanoo NRK:lle, etteivät terveysviranomaisen toimenpiteet ole hänen mielestään riittäviä.
Ei ole erityistä syytä epäillä muuta myöskään loppujen tartunnan saaneiden kohdalla. Koska tapauksia oli nyt monta kerralla ja osa testituloksista vasta ..össä tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että lievistä oireista kärsivät ihmiset eivät välttämättä koskaan saa tietää, onko heillä koronavirus. Heitä yksinkertaisesti kehotetaan

Δευτέρα 9 Μαρτίου 2020
Total Confirmed 118,101 Confirmed Cases by Country/Region 80,757 Mainland China 10,149 Italy 8,042 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 7,513 Republic of Korea 1,784 France 1,646 Spain 1,457 Germany
https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/ another gov Ήδη ξεχύθηκαν στους δρόμους τα παιδιά και γιορτάζουν το κλείσιμο των σχολείων.
Δεν υπάρχει σωτηρία.@1000 ventilatori polmonari per Italia
Coronavirus, dalla Cina pronti 1000 ventilatori polmonari per Italia
Pubblicato il: 10/03/2020 15:06
La Cina si prepara ad inviare aiuti massicci all’Italia. A quanto si apprende, in una telefonata tra il ministro degli Esteri Luigi Di Maio e il suo omologo Wang Yi questa mattina si è discusso dell’opportunità di avviare una grande cooperazione sanitaria e tecnologica tra i due Paesi in favore dell’Italia, che ora si trova ad affrontare l’emergenza coronavirus con grandi difficoltà. Pechino si è detta disposta ad inviare 100mila mascherine di massima tecnologia e 20mila tute protettive all’Italia, oltre che 50mila tamponi per effettuare nuovi test diagnostici in Italia.
Wang Yi ha assicurato a Di Maio che in queste ore da parte del governo cinese è stata data chiara indicazione alle loro aziende di esportare 2 milioni di mascherine mediche ordinarie all’Italia. Non solo: da parte cinese è arrivata la garanzia al ministro Di Maio che le commesse italiane saranno messe in priorità tra le aziende cinesi per l’acquisto di ventilatori polmonari, in questo modo si potrà sopperire velocemente a una richiesta che oggi non è solo italiana ma di molti altri Paesi europei e non solo. All’Italia, da parte della Cina, sarà però riservata, appunto, una priorità.
Per ora la disponibilità comunicata dalla Cina è di 1.000 ventilatori polmonari che l’Italia si appresta ad acquistare. La firma dei contratti per far arrivare gli aiuti potrebbe arrivare già nelle prossime ore e Wang Yi ha detto a Di Maio che seguirà questa partita personalmente. Il ministro Di Maio ha sentito e informato contestualmente anche il ministro Speranza. “L’amicizia e la solidarietà reciproca pagano”, ha detto Di Maio.

Σάββατο 7 Μαρτίου 2020
https://vk.com/public93485036 ilman patjaa nukkuminen on hyvä! @@ https://aamuset.fi/artikkeli/4874932/Pehr+Kalmin+perintoa+juhlitaan+Maarian+pappilassa
Unless serious measures are taken, it's likely coronavirus will hit Europe/US hard. If that happens & if large numbers of people die, it'll be due to the shocking irresponsibility of the governments. China's decisive response gave us a head start that we've largely thrown away.
Carlos Martinez
That should be a reminder about the fundamental difference between political systems: socialism prioritises the needs of the people, capitalism prioritises the needs of profit............ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Last evening dining out with friends, one of their uncles, who's graduated with a master's degree and who worked in Shenzhen Hospital (Guangdong Province, China) sent him the following notes on Coronavirus for guidance:
1. If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold
2. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose.
3. This new virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the Sun.
4. If someone sneezes with it, it takes about 10 feet before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne.
5. If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least 12 hours - so if you come into contact with any metal surface - wash your hands as soon as you can with a bacterial soap.
6. On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. normal laundry detergent will kill it.
7. Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink liquids with ice.
8. Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 minutes, but - a lot can happen during that time - you can rub your eyes, pick your nose unwittingly and so on.
9. You should also gargle as a prevention. A simple solution of salt in warm water will suffice.
10. Can't emphasise enough - drink plenty of water!
1. It will first infect the throat, so you'll have a sore throat lasting 3/4 days
2. The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further.
3. With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing.
4. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You feel like you're drowning. It's imperative you then seek immediate attention.

Πέμπτη 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2020
seli seli twitter-kansan #vakuutusasiamies @KatjaKurk : "Met emmä oikhen ennää joua ku töihin."
Κυριακή 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2020
The NGO that got the contract to run Moria was religious, based out of the US, and focused on converting refugees to Christianity by bribing them with the documents they needed. They were walking around dressed like pilgrims
.Kun ukrainalaiset eivät halunneet meitä, piipahdimme tänään Port Lockroyssa. Postitoimistossa virkkoi selkeällä, no ehkä pienellä skottikorostuksella, suomella hämeenkyröläinen Heidi. On toista kesää asemalla hommissa.
Nyt olosuhteet haastavat töissä ihan tosissaan. Pieni lipsahdus ja kelkka vajoaa syvälle pehmeään lumeen.
Luonnon ojat virtaavat avoimina eikä lumen siltoja ole, koska lauha ilma ja puro hautoo ne pois. Vedenottopaikkakin oli todella syvällä. https://twitter.com/Horvatus/status/1223561577212841984

Δευτέρα 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2020
Inex Partners Oy:n lakko alkaa tiistaina 18.2. aamukuudelta ja päättyy lauantaina 22.2. puoliltaöin. Prismat ovat lakossa torstaista 20.2. aamukuudesta perjantaihin 21.2. kello 24 saakka.
Kokoomuksen arvopohja on se, että kaikki on kaupan. Myös se arvopohja. https://infocrisis.gov.gr/7484/national-situational-picture-regarding-the-islands-at-eastern-aegean-sea-12-1-2020/?lang=en https://www.google.com/search?q=p%C3%A4ivi+loponen-kyr%C3%B6nsepp%C3%A4&rlz=1C1JZAP_fiFI860FI860&sxsrf=ACYBGNSPQenNt6kTncjc2muT8IjSvpBGXA:1581183216361&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=PTp_qFdzGmcOhM%253A%252CHodQkA9IdYw10M%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQcR3JT6cHUxQ3TJUITS3M5WGxuYQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjijb6_vsLnAhW1ysQBHXZ_AvQQ9QEwAXoECAoQBA#imgrc=PTp_qFdzGmcOhM:
Kind hearts are the gardens,
kind thoughts are the roots,
kind words are the flowers,
kind deeds are the fruits,
take care of your garden
and keep out the weeds,
fill it with sunshine, kind
words and kind deeds...

Σάββατο 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2020
Reports that Turkish Army declared Aleppo-Latakia highway a war zone. This means any kind of vehicle on this road may be considered as a military target
im free from his bad thoughts, maannerheimista tuli suomen johtaja svinhuvudin lopetettua ja saksalaisten lähdettyä demokratian saksassa 1918. vaikka pyydettiinn saksalaista kuningasta meille. suuria suunnitelmia oli ollut mannerheimilla sitä ennen suursuomesta.Suomalaiset joukot miehittivät jo 15. lokakuuta 1918 osan Karjalasta. Suomalaiset alkoivat pilata Neuvostoliiton aluksia. Mannerheim Lontoossa kävi epävirallisia neuvotteluja brittien kanssa, joissa hän teki useita ehdotuksia.Hän pyysi Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan intervention virallista hyväksyntää, tukea Suomen hyökkäykselle Petrogradiin, Ison-Britannian laivaston tuontia Itämereen, Venäjän joukkojen aseistariisuntaa Baltiassa, Suomen laajentamista Venäjän kustannuksella, Arhangelskin ja Olonetsin maakuntien autonomiaa jne.Iso-Britannia alkoi jo marraskuun lopussa 1918 valmistautua interventioon Itämerellä. Brittiläiset alukset saapuivat Kööpenhaminan alle amiraali A. Sinclairin johdolla. Aseet toimitettiin Revelille valko-virolaisille.
Joulukuussa brittiläiset alukset ampuivat punaisia joukkoja Suomenlahden etelärannikolla. Itämeren laivastolla oli enemmän aluksia kuin britteillä mutta vanhoja. Siksi brittiläiset laivat, pääosin uusimpia - 1915-1918, pystyivät nopeasti hallitsemaan asemaansa Suomenlahdessa. 26. joulukuuta britit vangitsivat Neuvostoliiton hävittäjät Spartakin ja Avtroilin, joilla ei tosiasiassa ollut vastarintaa https://www.corriere.it/

Παρασκευή 31 Ιανουαρίου 2020
Zero Hedge, which describes itself as a financial blog, has more than 50,000 followers on Facebook and more than 670,000 followers on Twitter and is run by Daniel Ivandjiiski, a Bulgarian-born, US-based, former investment banker, who writes the majority of the posts published by the pseudonym Tyler Durden.
The logo that inspired the meme isn’t actually from Wuhan Institute of Virology, but actually belongs to Shanghai Ruilan Bao Hu San Biotech Limited.
in the unions with Scotland, in 1707, and with Ireland, in 1800, which gave rise respectively to Britain and to the United Kingdom.
Imperially self-sufficient
From then on the English had no need of a separate identity, for as metropolitans – of Britain, of the United Kingdom and eventually of the British empire – they dealt with no one on equal terms.Once they admitted their empire was no more, the English would have to become just another nation like everybody else, with a specific, limited identity, a specific history.the terrifying truth that membership of the EU presents to the English and from which for centuries the empire insulated them: that they have to live in the world on an equal footing with other people.
For the English the United Kingdom occupies the psychic space once filled by the empire. Haunted by their unassimilated imperial past, the English continue refusing to think of themselves as a nation THEY LUUUV THE ILLUSIONS

Κυριακή 12 Ιανουαρίου 2020
Tälle ilmiölle on nähtävästi keksitty nimikin eli humanitarian imperialism.Guten Morgen 💕☕️ wünsche allen einen freudigen Tag 😀
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_wealth_per_adultKuumenna öljyä kasarissa ja lisää siihen kuivat mausteet sekä pieniksi silputtu sipuli. Kuullota sipulia hetken ja lisää kuivat hedelmät ja pinjan siemenet. Kun ainekset ovat pehmenneet, kaada kasariin couscous pakkauksen ohjeen mukainen määrä vettä ja peitä kannella. Kiehauta liemi ja nosta pois liedeltä. Kaada couscous sekaan. Hämmennä nopeasti ja peitä kannella. Anna turvota pari minuuttia ja lisää couscousin päälle voi. Sekoita couscousia pari minuuttia haarukalla, niin että ryynit erottuvat ja sekoittuvat.
Lisää couscousiin vielä pieniksi kuutioitu tomaatti ja mausta suolalla. Sekoita seos tasaiseksi ja tarjoa persiljasilpulla
modi, economics difference now is not only incompetence of handling of situations by the authorities, but a deliberate attempt to throttle the free and lively atmosphere of debate and discussion for which JNU was known all over the country," he asserted.

Πέμπτη 2 Ιανουαρίου 2020
Καιρός: Θεοφάνεια για... γενναίους -Χιόνια την νύχτα στην Αττική Πηγή: iefimerida. https://www.instagram.com/hadiimaninia/
https://twitter.com/DoggoDating https://twitter.com/Bery0007/status/1213023940723068929 sevenΚαλά μωρέ πάτε καλά, δεν σας φτάνουν 200€ για να ζήσετε; Αρχικά όταν ζεις σε χαρτοκουτο δεν έχεις να πληρώνεις λογαριασμούς, μετά υπολογίζεις 50€ ανά εβδομάδα για κονσέρβες και σου μένει και ένα ταληρο τέλος του μήνα να το παίξεις ένα ΤζόκερTEHRAN - In an extraordinary session on Sunday, 170 Iraqi lawmakers signed a resolution requiring the government to request the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.
Only 150 votes are needed that the draft resolution be approved as a law.
The session came two days after a U.S. drone strike on a convoy at Baghdad airport which killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) deputy chief Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.
“There is no need for the presence of American forces after defeating Daesh,” said Ammar al-Shibli, a lawmaker and member of the parliamentary legal committee.
“We have our own armed forces which are capable of protecting the country,” he said, Reuters reported.
Around 5,000 U.S. troops remain in Iraq, most of them in an advisory capacity.
Iraqi parliament facing historic test
During a massive funeral procession for General Soleimani, the commander of the IRGC Quds Force, and al-Muhandis in Baghdad, al- Kadhimiya, Karbala and Najaf, hundreds of thousands of angry Iraqi mourners carried placards demanding an immediate withdrawal of “U.S. terrorists” from their country.
In the face of the Iraqi people’s will, the Iraqi parliament is facing a historic test about voting to expel the U.S. troops.
Expelling Iraqi troops has turned into a “national demand”.
Following the terrorist attack by the U.S., Iraqi caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi asked the parliament to take a formal position based on Article 58 of the Iraqi constitution about the “illegal action” of the U.S. army.
The prime minister said the U.S. move was a violation of the Iraqi sovereignty and an affront to national pride.
The prime minister called the U.S. act a dangerous move which will trigger another devastating war in Iraq and the region.
Since the U.S. terrorist attack, rival political leaders have called for U.S. troops to be expelled from Iraq in an unusual show of unity among factions that have squabbled for months.
Hadi al-Amiri, the top candidate to succeed al-Muhandis, repeated his call for U.S. troops to leave Iraq on Saturday during an elaborate funeral procession for those killed in the attack.
Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jabouri has expressed anger over the U.S. attack on the military convoy, saying, “What happened around Baghdad airport was an open violation of the Iraqi territorial sovereignty and violation of international agreements.”
He added, “Any security and military operation should be with the agreement of the government.”
Faleh al-Fayad, Iraq’s national security advisor and chief of Hashd al-Shaabi or PMF), has also said it is the duty of the Iraqi government and judiciary to respond to the violation of the Iraqi sovereignty.
Also, Abdelkarim Khalaf, spokesman for the Iraqi Armed Forces has said "these strikes represent a treacherous stab in the back."
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