fter he picked up an £80,000 prize for an essay on how Britain could leave the European Union, Iain Mansfield was poised to become a new, intellectual voice in the media debate on the issue.
The 30-year-old Cambridge graduate was praised by judges of the “Brexit” prize for his “convincing and comprehensive” arguments and the Thatcherite think-tank behind the contest looked forward to him advancing his views in a series of interviews.
There was one snag, however. Mr Mansfield Elev:"Jag läste mycket böcker, till jag fick en IPhone. Nu hinner jag inte..."is a civil servant and his essay appears to have been rather too well-argued for his employer, the UK Government, which remains committed to staying within the EU.
Having accepted the prize at a ceremony in Westminster on Tuesday evening, Mr Mansfield was told he was banned from giving media interviews. His regular blog on economic affairs also appears to have been removed from the internet.
“Unfortunately, owing to his work commitments and the sensitivity of his role, Iain Mansfield is unable to engage in any further media work on his winning Brexit entry,” the Institute of Economic Affairs, which organised the prize, said. The move came despite Mr Mansfield making it clear that he had written the essay in a personal capacity, and was advancing the arguments as an intellectual exercise rather than as a policy recommendation.
kevyelle musiikille korkeakoulu, istahan pyysin nelivuotiaanaSuomessa siilit elävät asutetuilla alueilla. Maaseudulla siilejä ei juuri ole
δηλαδη εγω που θελω να χειροκροτησω τη Μερκελ σαν ενα ελαχιστο ευχαριστω για την στηριξη της στις δυσκολες μερες που περασαμε, δεν μπορω?
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήWillkommen Angela Merkel !!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήEU regulations do not have to pass through national parliaments before becoming law and cannot be stopped by national institutions.Lahden rakennuslupapäällikkö vakuutti STT:lle, ettei #hiihtostadion #romahda. #Rakennuslehdelle hän sanoi, että puhuikin kuulopuheita.
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ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήMinkä inhimillisen virheen annat anteeksi?
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήInhimilliset, tahattomat virheet