Δευτέρα 21 Απριλίου 2014

Althusser’s On the Reproduction of Capitalism reviewed http://review31.co.uk/article/view/231/what-is-the-state … (via @StuartElden)

Mixing #communalism & #capitalism. Sushovan Dhar analyses the implications of a #Modi victory in #India: http://www.dhakatribune.com/op-ed/2014/mar/19/new-modi …Debt and #gentrification as legacies of the #Football #WorldCup in Brazil: http://nacla.org/news/2014/4/17/world-cup-and-neoliberal-transformation-brazilian-cities … #Copa2014 #Fifa2014 #NaovaitercopaHelsinki Collegium for Advanced Studeis offers each year 20-25 fellowships for researchers in different career stages both in Finland and abroad, thus giving them an opportunity to pursue their research in an intellectually stimulating and encouraging environment. Some of the fellowships offered at HCAS are based on an open annual call whereas others are targeted specifically towards scholars with a particular research focus or who come from certain geographic areas. In addition, HCAS promotes also dialogue between art and science by inviting authors to work with researchers.The US "no longer able credibly to threaten the use of military power to stop proliferation". #Wallerstein on nukes: http://www.iwallerstein.com/continuing-nuclear-proliferation/ …

6 σχόλια:

  1. άνθρωπος έκανε κάτι εκατομμύρια χρόνια για να σταθεί στα δυο του πόδια. Δεν θα τον ξαναγυρίσω εγώ στα τέσσερα.”

  2. 10-Year-Old Daughter Of FIFA Official Received $3.4 Million One Year After Qatar Won World Cup Bid

  3. Austerity in Greece caused more than 500 male suicides, say researchers http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/21/austerity-greece-male-suicides-spending-cuts …

  4. Jotenkin vihjaa eilisillasta: Mitä miehellä ja siittiöllä on yhteistä?-Kummankin todennäköisyys kasvaa aikuiseksi on yksi miljoonasta.

  5. 16-vuotiaan ilmoittautuminen työttömäksi kesti Tampereella liki 2 kuukautta | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi http://yle.fi/uutiset/7211512

  6. Jari Tervo: Kun vaihtoehdot ovat hymyilevä tai huolestunut pääministeri, suomalainen valitsee aina huolestuneen. http://yle.fi/uutiset/7209727
